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"Ye see what ye'd get!" said Legree, caressing the dogs with grim satisfaction, and turning to Tom and his companions. "Ye see what ye'd get, if ye try to run off. These yer dogs has been raised to track niggers; and they'd jest as soon chaw one on ye up as eat their supper. So, mind yerself!

"Next ter yerself, she's got the best 'ead fer business of any woman I know." "I don't agree with it at all," said Clara. "You're the brains of the "Silver Shoe", and another man's ideas will clash with yours." "No fear!" said Jonah. "I've got 'im tied down in black and white by my solicitors." Clara ran her eye over the typewritten document, reading some of the items aloud.

"We'll have you put in jail if you come here again." "You shut up and clear out yerself," said the boy, threateningly, "or I'll break yer head. Yer pap's away, and we ain't afraid of you. What's more, we're goin' ter have some cherries before "

San Cleeve, wonderful, to be able to guide yerself, and not let loose yer soul in blasting at such a misfortune. I should go and drink neat regular, as soon as I had swallered my breakfast, till my innerds was burnt out like a' old copper, if it had happened to me; but my lady's plan is best. Though I only guess how one feels in such losses, to be sure, for I never had nothing to lose.

Ye've got a goodish notion of looking after yerself. When ye can spare a few minutes to do a bit downstairs " This sentence was sarcastic and required no finishing. "I was just coming," said Edwin. And to himself, "What on earth does he want here, making his noises?"

Are you tryin' to tell me `Howdy'? Well, I don't 'low nobody to be politer 'an I am, so far as I know." Abram lifted his old hat, and the raindrops glistened on his white hair. He squared his shoulders and stood very erect. "Howdy, Mr. Redbird! How d'ye find yerself this evenin'? I don't jest riccolict ever seein' you before, but I'll never meet you agin 'thout knowin' you. When d'you arrive?

"But" Samuel recovered his authoritative manner "the place fer an old man ain't with old hens. Naow, Abe, ef yew think yew kin behave yerself an' not climb the flagpole or jump over the roof, I want yer to stay right here, yew an' Angy both, an' spend yer week out. Yes, yes," as Abe would have thanked him.

A trench during an attack is no place for the faint-hearted. An unsympathetic Tommy kicked him savagely. "Go 'ide yerself, you bloody little coward!" "More lemons! More cricket balls!" and at last, Victory!

'Oh, in the flood, and floating down the stream with all the little fishes, said he " she was relating breathlessly. "Tea-cher!" hissed Isaac Rabinowitz, snapping his fingers at her at this exciting point. "Teacher! There's a guy wants to speak to you!" "Aw, shut-tup!" chorused his indignant little schoolmates. "Can't you see that Teacher's tellin' a story? Go chase yerself!

I've had four horses down with the 'zooty, and two men laid up with dip'thery. The Big Gray Cully's drivin' over there the one that's a-hoistin' ain't fit to be out of the stables. If ye weren't behind in the work, he'd have two blankets on him this minute. But I'm here meself now, and I'll have her out to-night if I work till daylight. Here, cap'n, pull yerself together. This is the boss."