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The 23 of October there arriued in Tercera a Carauel with aduise out of Portugall, that of 5 ships which in the yere 1590 were laden in Lisbon for the Indies, 4 of them were turned againe to Portin.

"Don't look like none o' the women folk about yere," he replied, finally. "She ain't their kind." "What d'ye mean by that?" "Dunno eggsactly. She's mighty white 'n' young-lookin' 'n' delicate but that ain't all." Tom made a restless movement.

Fall on 'em by surprise and recapture the ship ha?" "O bless my guts no! Penfeather aren't to be caught so not him! He'll ha' warped out from the anchorage by this! But he be shorthanded to work the vessel overseas, 'tis a-seekin' o' likely lads and prime sailor-men is Penfeather, and we sits on these yere sands. Well, mates, on these yere sands we be but what's took up us on these yere sands?

"Dey fet all 'long yere," was his next breathless remark, made some time later. We were now proceeding rapidly up Baltimore Street, as rapidly, at least, as people can who are pushing against a steady stream of agitated humanity. "Dey fawr'd a bullet clean through de Sun-paper room," pursued the boy, "an' dey bust up dem dere winder-glassis "

"An' I takes it," remarked the Old Cattleman in comment, "one of these yere trade dooels that a-way goes on vindictive an' remorseless, same as if it's a personal fight between cow-folks over cattle." "Quite right," I said. "Money is often more cruel than men; and a business vendetta is frequently mere murder without the incident of blood.

But this oughter be a lesson to you, Dave, not to go romancin' 'round with strange women no more. "'It's a forced play, I tells you, says Dave. 'Them Injuns has us treed. It's a case of fight or give up that she-towerist, so what was I to do? "`Well, says Enright, some severe, you might at least have consulted with this yere towerist woman some. But you don't.

"'This whole business makes metired, though, says Dave, a heap disgustad. If these eediots had let them Injuns alone-, or even if they disdains the ponies when they was brought up, this yere could be fixed easy. But now it's fight or give up the woman, so you go down, as I says, an' arrange for the dance. "Of course thar's no explainin' nothin' to Injuns.

Which Hoskins don't make his fences to conform to this yere rool none; leastwise they ain't hawg tight as is shown by one of Olson's hawgs. "The hawg comes pirootin' about Hoskins's fence, an' he goes through easy; an' the way that invadin' animal turns Bill's potatoes bottom up don't hinder him a bit. He shorely loots Bill's lot; that's whatever.

""You-all needn't gaze on us that a-way," says a gent named Granger; "you can set down a stack on it, you ain't goin' to pull on no war with none of us." ""Shore, no!" says the onhappy stranger. Then he goes on apol'getic; "Gents, I'm onfort'nately constitootcd. Onless I has trouble at reasonable intervals it preys on me. I've been yere in your town two weeks an' so far ain't seen the sign.

"I've been sort o' cog'tatin' tharof, an' I begins to allow I'm a mighty sight too garrulous that a-way. This yere conversation habit is shore growin' on me, an', if I don't watch out, I'm goin' to be a bigger talker than old Vance Groggins," "Was Groggins a great conversationist?" I asked. "Does this yere Vance Groggins converse?