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"Now keep your eyes skinned," he said to the three farm hands. "One of yer's done mischief enough this morning already, and you'll get your har raised, as sure as you're born, unless you look out sharp. Now," he went on, turning to the Welches, "let us go down and talk this matter over.

"Down, Cinder and Flinder!" said the woman. "Down you brutes! Now, Patrick, what have you been up to? Whatever's that in your arms, and who's a-follering of yer?" "This yer's a babby," said the man, "and this yer's a girl. She," pointing to Flower, "wants to be took to the nearest town, and she have money to pay, she says." "Oh! she have money to pay?" said the wife of Micah Jones for it was she.

There hain't no danger now, is there?" In response to some remark from Miss Warren she continued, in shrill volubility: "Yes, he told me yer's all struck but Reub'n. I found him a-sittin' on the stoop, and a-lookin' all struck of a heap himself. Is that the way lightning 'fects folks? He looked white as a ghost, and as if he didn't keer ef he was one afore night.

The Virginia spirit rose in Vesta's eyes: "Whoever killed this dog only wanted the courage to kill men!" she exclaimed. "James Phoebus, look here!" The pungy captain had been abroad for hours, and the masts of his vessel were just visible across the marshy neck in the rear of Teackle Hall. He touched his hat and came in. "Early mornin', Miss Vesty! Hallo! Turk dead? By smoke, yer's pangymonum!"

As soon as we'd made 'im comfortable, he sez to me, 'Wot I told yer's comin' to-night, Polly. They've been a-callin' on me all day. I see 'em and 'ear 'em, too. Loud as loud. Plain as plain. 'Who's been callin' yer? I sez. 'The messengers o' death, he sez; 'and they're in this room, four on 'em, now. I can 'ear 'em movin' and talkin' to one another. 'Oh, I sez, 'it's all fancy.

The boy called Thady, otherwise the captain, raised his blue eyes, now swimming in tears, to Will's face. "We was that 'nngry," he said. "And Bet were out. Yer's a lot of coppers; we'll do now. Come along home, Gen'ral." The two scampered away, flying with their bare feet along the slippery streets, and in a moment were out of sight. Dent stared hard at Will, whose face showed some agitation.

Yer see, this yer's all camp; thar ain't no fit place whar we kin hide the gurl, an' make her keep her mouth shet. Them blamed soldiers are a moosin' 'bout every whar, an' if she onct got talkin', our goose wud be cooked. Furst thing we got ter do is git her outer this camp." "Ternight, yer sed?" "'Bout midnight; yer'll go' hey?" "I reckon; yer got the money?"

The Irishman related his experience in as brief a manner as possible, the scout listening with a great deal of interest, and asking a question or two. "The luck was yer's," he said, when the narrator concluded, "of gettin' on the right track, while I got on the wrong." Mickey scratched his head in his old quizzical way. "The same luck befell the spalpeens and mesilf.

"Don't ye think, aunty," stammered Jeff, "that that my bein' the landlord, yer know, it would be the square thing just out o' respect, ye know for me to drop in thar and ask 'em if thar's anythin' they wanted?" His aunt stopped, and resignedly put down the pillows. "Sarah," she said meekly to the handmaiden, "ye kin leave go that mattress. Yer's Mr.

Tommy looked up, shook his head, threw a stone at a passing rabbit, but did not reply. "When I fust set eyes on you, Tommy," continued Johnson, apparently reassured, "the fust day you kem and pumped for me, an entire stranger, and hevin no call to do it, I sez, 'Johnson, Johnson, sez I, yer's a boy you kin trust.