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This is your own party, you see, and it is to be the kind of party you all think pleasantest." Martha murmured inaudibly several times, but spurred by digs in the ribs with several pairs of sharp elbows, finally spoke aloud with a sudden yelp. "Oh, PLEASE! Susan Aurora Bulger, I'll go right and tell your mother this minute! please, 'The Highland Gates to Die."

"I knew that in Abe's vocabulary for that night at least a `varmint' meant a 'coon; and as we dashed through the brushwood, following the dog, I felt all the excitement of a 'coon-chase. "It was not a long one I should think of about five minutes' duration; at the end of which time the yelp of the dog which had hitherto guided us, changed into a regular and continuous harking.

There it was again. It was coming nearer, but very slowly. He wondered how many were in the flock, and called once more. This time, to his surprise, an answer came from a different direction a long, rasping sound, a sort of cross between a cock's crow and a turkey's yelp. He started involuntarily, and very cautiously peeped around.

Den den he seem to feel someth'n' C-O-L-D, right down 'most agin his head! If you've got the PAUSE right, she'll fetch a dear little yelp and spring right out of her shoes. But you MUST get the pause right; and you will find it the most troublesome and aggravating and uncertain thing you ever undertook. A Biographical Sketch

The dog uttered a fierce growl and sprang upon him with bared teeth and flashing red eyes. Instantly Rob drew the electric tube from his pocket, pointed it at the dog and pressed the button. Almost at the same moment the dog gave a yelp, rolled over once or twice and lay still.

The poor little street-bred people that vapour and fume and brag, They are lifting their heads in the stillness to yelp at the English flag.

Then he heard the report of a gun, and as he stepped from the burnt area on to the short grass that had offered no fuel for the fire, something came springing around him, and before he could pull trigger it was off with a yelp into the darkness under the canopy of smoke. "Coo-ee coo-ee! Compton ahoy! Compton!" Compton croaked and hobbled on.

Far away by the river a lonely coyote set up his quick, howling yelp. "Dere's been seven kids oop dere," said Nels at last, glancing up as if for corroboration. "Yes, seven," agreed Charlie. "Say, do ve need Seigert's team very pad?" "Well, now that depends," said Charlie. "Why not?" "Nothin', only Ay vas tankin' ve might tak' some a das veat we vas goin' to sell and and " "Yep, what?"

"People will certainly call you a heretic, if you do," laughed Violet. "People!" said Julian scornfully. "Of whom to be dispraised were no small praise. "Let them yelp." Mr Vere was an eminent clergyman, who had been an intimate friend of Mr Home before his death.

Now the grey cub had lived all his days on a level floor. He had never experienced the hurt of a fall. He did not know what a fall was. So he stepped boldly out upon the air. His hind-legs still rested on the cave- lip, so he fell forward head downward. The earth struck him a harsh blow on the nose that made him yelp. Then he began rolling down the slope, over and over.