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There is such a thing as theblacknessof the nigger and theyellownessof the Chinese and the Japanese, although the Japanese have proved themselves capable of assimilating Western civilization, and although the black race has produced the greatest poet of Russia, Pouchkine, and one of the greatest novelists of France, Alexandre Dumas.

For some time I lay endeavouring to regain command of myself, to prepare to face again that scene which had something horrifying in its yellowness, touched with the green and gold. And when finally I reopened my eyes, I sat up with a suppressed cry.

It was impossible not to contrast this humble detergent for it was of a bigness and coarse yellowness to suggest the largest possible quantity for the smallest possible price with the dead man's wealth, and to wonder a little at such petty economies as were signified by it, by the paraffin candles, the absence of servants, and by some other details of the ménage which perhaps I have already mentioned.

In short, by its littleness, by its yellowness, by its appearance of dusty dryness, this singular physiognomy reminded me so strongly of a pinch of snuff, that I almost sneezed at sight of it. His diminutive green eyes were fringed with ragged flaxen lashes, and seemed to be very loose in their reddened lids, as if he could cry them out at the shortest notice.

If the cause of barrenness be in the man, through overmuch heat in the seed, the woman may easily feel that in receiving it. If the nature of the woman be too hot, and so unfit for conception, it will appear by her having her terms very little, and the colour inclining to yellowness; she is also very hasty, choleric and crafty; her pulse beats very swift, and she is very desirous of copulation.

As for the yellowness like a garment, that is too familiar to the eyes of all who have ever looked on the hideous mask of confluent variola. Without the presence or the fear of these exotic maladies, the forlorn voyagers of the Mayflower had sickness enough to contend with.

As for the yellowness like a garment, that is too familiar to the eyes of all who have ever looked on the hideous mask of confluent variola. Without the presence or the fear of these exotic maladies, the forlorn voyagers of the Mayflower had sickness enough to contend with.

A householder with such a door-step and such muslin curtains could not be other than the most correct of mankind; for, if there is any external evidence by which a dissolute life or an ill-regulated mind will infallibly betray itself, that evidence is to be found in the yellowness and limpness of muslin window-curtains.

During this season one sees oranges everywhere, even displayed as a sort of thank-offering on the humble altars of country-churches; the children's lips and cheeks assume a chronic yellowness; and the narrow side-walks are strewn with bits of peel, punched through and through by the boys' pop-guns, as our boys punch slices of potato.

Notwithstanding the yellowness it was distinguished; he had blue eyes, a nose of an imposing boldness, hooked, aggressive but not clumsy, and a small beard, pointed and gray: he was rather bald, but his hair had evidently been quite fine, curling prettily, and he still wore it long. "I see you're a journalist," said Philip. "What papers d'you write for?" "I write for all the papers.