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Positions!" ejaculated Haley, who seemed to be fascinated by the word, "there ain't none on my farm except one and I hold that myself; but there's lots o' work, and why! I want a man right now. What say? Come along, stay's long's yeh like. I like yeh fine." "All right," said Cameron. "Wait till I get my bag, but I ought to tell you I have had no experience." "No experience, eh!" Haley pondered.

Ain't yeh" he turned directly to Maria "bin nursin' yer poor mother fer six years past an' wearin' yerself out, an' ain't yeh bin sewin' day an' night fer three months, ever sence she died, t' git ready t' marry Henry?" He drew a long breath of gratification over the respectful silence which greeted these adroit points, and went on with hortatory sympathy. "Yeh bin a good daughter, Maria.

But, yeh see, I may not have a chance right off to pay yeh back for the times ye've carried my gun and hull caboodie. Say, now, girne that gun, any-way." "All right, if yeh feel like it, Jim," Smith replied, and they trudged along doggedly in the sun, which was getting higher and hotter each half mile. "Ain't it queer there ain't no teams cornin' along." "Well, no, seem's it's Sunday."

Suddenly I grew sick with terror, as I saw him coming in at the door. He saw what I was doing, and glared at me vengefully. He actually turned white with rage at this breach of his authority, and came at me with set teeth and doubled fists. "Give me that apple, damn yeh!" he cried. "You sneakin' skunk, you, I'll larn ye to eat my apples!"

"And I don't see any sense in fighting and fighting and fighting, yet always losing through some derned old lunkhead of a general." A sarcastic man who was tramping at the youth's side, then spoke lazily. "Mebbe yeh think yeh fit th' hull battle yestirday, Fleming," he remarked. The speech pierced the youth. Inwardly he was reduced to an abject pulp by these chance words.

Say, young feller, yeh came in mighty handy fer me a' right, and seeing as yer Tim's friend put it there." He gripped Cameron's hand and shook it heartily. "Here's Tim with the team, and, say, there's no need to mention anything about them fellers. Tim's real tender hearted. Well, I'm glad to hev met yeh. Good-bye! Living here?" "No!" "Travellin', eh?" "Not exactly," replied Cameron.

He knew that he could hope for no fellow's confidence if he "snitched." "Wal, say, I've a notion to tell yeh!" Sam attacked his ice cream contemplatively. "How would a bluff game strike you?" he asked suddenly as the last delectable mouthful of cream disappeared and he pulled the fresh cup of coffee toward him that the waiter had just set down.

Upon his aching and swelling head the cold cloth was like a tender woman's hand. "Yeh don't holler ner say nothin'," remarked his friend approvingly. "I know I'm a blacksmith at takin' keer 'a sick folks, an' yeh never squeaked. Yer a good un, Henry. Most 'a men would a' been in th' hospital long ago. A shot in th' head ain't foolin' business."

He was so engrossed in his occupation that he was not aware of a lull. He was recalled by a hoarse laugh and a sentence that came to his ears in a voice of contempt and amazement. "Yeh infernal fool, don't yeh know enough t' quit when there ain't anything t' shoot at? Good Gawd!" He turned then and, pausing with his rifle thrown half into position, looked at the blue line of his comrades.

Yeh be responsible for th' lady, if she's wanted, will yeh?" "Positively." "I gottuh have her name 'nd add-ress." "Is that essential?" "Sure. Gottuh protect myself 'n case anythin' turns up. Yeh oughttuh know that." "I don't want it to come out," Maitland hesitated, trying to invent a plausible lie. "Well, any one can see how you feel about it." Maitland drew a long breath and anticipated rashly.