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Even Hienfung refrained from showing any unequivocal support of his truculent lieutenant, although there is no doubt that he was impressed by the reports of many victories over the English barbarians with which Yeh supplied him.

A leg of the charger extended slantingly upward precisely as stiff as a stake. Around this motionless pair the shells still howled. There was a quarrel in A Company. Collins was shaking his fist in the faces of some laughing comrades. "Dern yeh! I ain't afraid t' go. If yeh say much, I will go!" "Of course, yeh will! You'll run through that there medder, won't yeh?"

To this categorical demand Yeh made a long reply, going over the ground of controversy, reasserting what he wished to believe were the facts, and curtly concluding that the trade might continue on the old conditions, and that each side should pay its own losses. Mr. Wade said that his language might bear the construction that the English consul, Mr. Harry Parkes, should pay all the cost himself.

Barbara sitting quietly beside me, we heard them talking at the back of the machine, as the jack quickly lifted us and Worth went to it with Capehart to unbolt the rim; a low-toned steady stream from the wide man, punctuated now and then by a word from Worth. "Yeh," Capehart grunted, prying off the tire. "Heard it m'self 'bout noon or a little after. Yeh, Ward's Undertaking Parlors."

Fallows confidentially, and again lowering her voice impressively, "yeh see, 'is leg 'urt most orful at first, an' Benny cried to me, 'It's in me toes, mother, it's in me toes. 'Why, Benny, sez I to 'im, 'yeh hain't got no toes, Benny. 'That's w'ere it 'urts, sez 'e, 'toes or no toes. An' father 'e wakes right up an' 'erd w'at Benny was cryin', an' sez 'e, 'Benny's right enough.

Jan, with no prejudices against alleys or pool-rooms, entered the pool-room to inquire. "Yeh," said the man behind the cigar-case "second floor a week in advance ring the front-door bell a woman will come and show you."

They had to. I learned somethin' off of them about farmin'." "Forget the farm," said Minnie. "Yeh," echoed Gus, "forget the farm stuff. I can get you a job here out at the works for four a day, and six when you learn it right." Dike looked from one to the other, alarm and unbelief on his face. "What d'you mean, a job? Who wants a job! What you all " Bella laughed, jovially.

"You're a tough sucker, now, ain't yeh?" said Tim, through his shut teeth, addressing the block. "We'll try yeh this way." He laid the end of the block upon a log and plied the axe with the full strength of his slight body, but the block danced upon the log and resisted all his blows. "Say! you're a tough one now!" he said, pausing for breath.

"Some one must've tipped that crook off. Anyway, I ain't goin' to wait no longer." "I wouldn't neither," agreed the uniformed member. "Say, who's yer friend yeh was talkin' tuh, 'while ago?" "Oh, a frien' of mine. Yeh didn't have no call to git excited then, Jim. G'night." And Hickey proceeded westward, a listless and preoccupied man by the vacant eye of him.

Weary Willie was as drunk as a lord. He tittered a wild Indian whoop, and sang the chorus of "at the Old Bull and Bush," beating time with a leg of turkey. Then he turned to the band. "Play 'God Shave King'." he said. "If yeh don' play 'Go' Shave King' I'll have ver heads off 'fore mornin'."