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"I should say you have been growing, Bob. Has your Uncle Joe paid you yet for your year's work? "No, he hasn't; but he will when he gets 'round to it. You see, he hasn't sold his crops yet." "How much do you think he will give you, Bob?" "I don't know, but I think he'll be fair. Aunt Bettie will see to that, if he should forget it himself.

Private Gellatly said, with a shake of the head, as she was lost to view: "Devils bestir me, what a widdy she'll make!" It was understood that Aleck Windsor and Mab Humphrey were to be married on the coming New Year's Day. What connection was there between the words of Sergeant Fones and those of Private Gellatly? None, perhaps.

Gaumata is so like your brother Bartja, that in the school for priests at Rhagae, where he still is, he was always called 'the prince." "Has he been at Babylon very lately?" "He was here for the last time at the New Year's festival." "Are you speaking the truth?" "The sin of lying would be doubly punishable in one who wears my robes, and holds my office."

Still, three steam frigates, one large and six small steam corvettes, and two sailing corvettes were got together, but in 1852, owing to the poverty of the States, two of the ships were sold to Prussia for £60,000 and the rest disposed of by auction at less than a fourth of their value. The officers and men were disbanded with a year's pay.

I knew it by reason of his inexhaustible enthusiasm for this present sport after a year's proving that chased birds will rise strangely but expertly into air that no dog can climb by any device of whining, leaping, or straining.

Its value had much increased since it had come into his possession, and he looked forward with pleasure to the time when it would be his own beyond all doubt. But the loss of an entire year's crop, through the burning of his barn, deeply tried and dispirited him.

"Father, I am going to ask you a great thing! to go to church with me New Year's day." "To church!" said her father, frowning; but he remembered his promise, and he felt Nettie in his arms yet. "What on earth good will that do you?" "A great deal of good. It would please me so much, father." "What do you want me to go to church for?" said Mr.

"At the time the jam broke this spring, we owed the men here for a year's work. At that time I considered their demand for wages ill-timed and grasping. I wish to apologize. After the money was paid them, instead of scattering, they set to work under Jack Radway and Tim Shearer to salvage your logs. They have worked long hours all summer.

"You will pardon me, but I notice in my accounts that I am positively committed to color this year's anemones to-night, and there is a rather large planetary system to be discontinued at half-past ten. So time presses." "And time is inexorable. Prince, with all due respect, I fancy it is precisely this truism which you have overlooked.

Nothing would have given us greater pleasure than to send some shells from "Her Ladyship" into the Belfast camp on the last day of 1900, with the "Compliments of the Season." Not of course, in order to cause any destruction, but simply as a New Year's greeting. We would have sent them close by like the Americans in Mark Twain's book: "Not right in it, you know, but close by or near it."