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My room is a kind of rendezvous for our side: have seldom, therefore, time either to think or write, unless at night or early in the morning. Judge Yates concludes to give us a few days of his company, and to accept of a room with us. The coming of Le Jeune uncertain; not probably till fall. You will receive a pail of butter, perhaps, with this. I have been contracting for the year.

The line blocked desperately. A streak of brown flew by, and a moment later Joel heard the thud as the full-back's shoe struck the ball. Then down the field he sped, through the great gap made by the Yates forwards. The Harwell ends were well under the kick and stood waiting grimly beside the Yates full-back as the ball settled to earth.

The whole congregation joined him. Everyone knew the words and the tune. It seemed a relief to the pent-up feelings to sing at the top of the voice. As the congregation sang the preacher in stentorian tones urged sinners to seek the Lord while he was yet to be found. Yates felt the electric thrill in the air, and he tugged at his collar, as if he were choking.

Back to her line-bucking returned Yates, and slowly, but very surely, the contest moved over the lost ground, back toward the Harwell goal. The fifty-five-yard line was passed again, the fifty, the forty-five, and here or there holes were being torn in the Harwell line, and the crimson was going down before the blue.

Kitty, laughing again, sprang toward her friend, dabbed a little kiss, like the peck of a bird, on each cheek, cried: "Well, I must be off, or mother will have to tie up the professor to keep him," and was off accordingly with the speed and lightness of a young fawn. "Extraordinary girl," remarked Yates, as the flutter of curls and calico dress disappeared.

Her entreaty had no effect on Tom: he only said again what he had said before; and it was not merely Tom, for the requisition was now backed by Maria, and Mr. Crawford, and Mr. Yates, with an urgency which differed from his but in being more gentle or more ceremonious, and which altogether was quite overpowering to Fanny; and before she could breathe after it, Mrs.

"They look familiar," commented Dunwody. "That's Jones, and that's Judge Clayton, down below why, I just left both of them on the boat the other day! It's Desha and Yates with them, from the other side of the county. There must be something up." He advanced to meet the visitors. "Good morning, gentlemen. Light down, and come in."

She called the old woman, Yates, grandmother; but I know better than that, for I know where her grandchild is this very minute." "You know her grandchild?" "Yes, I do, and a prettier creature never lived." "You know her, and will tell me?" "Indeed, I will do nothing of the sort," answered Margaret, for she had thrown off the jaunty abbreviation of her name.

In less than a minute the energetic girl had all the materials he required ready for him in the front room. Yates threw off his coat, and went to work as if he were in his own den in the Argus building. "This is a of a vacation," he muttered to himself, as he drove his pencil at lightning speed over the surface of the paper.

Chandler's "Blood-letting Letter" Proposition of Mr. Yates His Speech Mr. Buckalew against New England Mr. Pomeroy Mr. Sumner's Second Speech Mr. Doolittle Mr. Morrill Mr. Fessenden meets Objections Final Vote The Amendment Defeated.