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There, from Dalhousie and Canning to Lawrence and Mayo, and their still surviving successors, we have seen pageants and durbars more splendid, and representing a wider extent of territory, from Yarkand to Bangkok, than even the Sultanised Englishman as Sir James Mackintosh called Wellesley, ever dreamed of in his most imperial aspirations.

The waterway I intended to use was the river which in its upper course is called the Yarkand, and in its lower the Tarim. At the village a great caravan route crosses the river, and flat ferry-boats convey travellers with their animals and goods from one bank to the other. It was 36 feet long by 8-1/2 broad, and was like a huge trough built of rough planks.

The remainder of the upper plumage is olive green, and the lower parts are bright yellow. Coloured plate, No. XX, in Hume and Henderson's Lahore to Yarkand, contains a very good reproduction of the bird. It is necessary to state this because the book in question was written in 1873, since when, needless to say, the scientific names of most birds have undergone changes.

Materials for forming a picture of Indian life under his rule are not plentiful but it was clearly an age of fusion. His hereditary dominions were ample and he had no need to spend his reign in conquests, but he probably subdued Kashmir as well as Khotan, Yarkand and Kashgar.

The text only says that they set out from Khoten "towards it." Tsze-hoh has not been identified. Beal thinks it was Yarkand, which, however, was north-west from Khoten. As it took Fa-Hsien twenty-five days to reach it, it must have been at least 150 miles from Khoten. Nor has Yu-hwuy been clearly identified. Evidently it was directly south from Tsze-hoh, and among the "Onion" mountains.

The attempts made at earlier periods on the part of the members of the old ruling family in Kashgar to regain their own by expelling the Chinese have been described. In 1857 Wali Khan, one of the sons of Jehangir, had succeeded in gaining temporary possession of the city of Kashgar, and seemed for a moment to be likely to capture Yarkand also. He fell by his vices.