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"Shucks, Ty!" she exclaimed, catching him by the sleeve with the impluse to rouse him, to awaken him, as it were, to his own old familiar identity; "ye ain't 'feared o' that thar snaggle-toothed skeer-crow in yander; he would be plumb comical ef he didn't look so mean-natured an' sech a hyper-crite." He gazed at her, his eyes eloquent with pain.

"Have we been standing here a whole hour?" "Yes, miss; right here. They say we can't go back till the section boss has examined the track in Baxter's Cut. Seems as though there's some danger of a washout back yander." "Do you mean to say we are likely to stay here indefinitely?" gasped Eleanor. "Ouch! Be careful, please!" "Oh, it won't be long.

Meanderin' round her grave on the hill, yander, in course." "It's suthin bigger nor thet, pard," said Dick confidently; "no ghost kin rake down the pot ag'in the keerds I've got here. This ain't no bluff!" "Well, go on!" said a dozen excited voices. Dick paused a moment, diffidently, with the hesitation of an artistic raconteur. "Well," he said, with affected deliberation, "let's see!

"Have you any idea of where you are going, or how far?" demanded the officer, sternly. "Just acrost the gorge," the guide answered easily. "I heard he had been glimpsed in a hollow tree. That word was telephoned from the cross-roads to town. It was the tree the skeleton was in." "That tree? It's away back yander," observed one of the posse, reluctant and disaffected.

Meantime Jefferson with many flutterings and gesticulations, had dismounted and managed to work his way to Archie's side and whisper: "Don't yo' let on, will yo' suh?" "Not on your sweet life. It's the best ever. But where's the rest of the bunch? There must be some. You always take out a full fledged seminary." "Praise Gawd der aint but fo' dis time, an' dey's yander on de pike some 'ers.

"The Narcissus is not leaving to-day?" she asked of the foremost sailor. The man touched his cap. "Not to-day, lady." "When does she leave?" "Well, that's more nor I can say, lady, but the cap'n of the main-top, yander, 'e knows." She approached the captain of the main-top. "When does the Narcissus leave?" she asked.

"Dead as an Injun wi' his head cut off," replied the trapper, taking a small feather out of his cap and tossing it in the air. "See, cap, it falls plump!" "It does, truly." "We kin easily git roun' them bufflers afore they wind us; an' we hev men enough to make a picket fence about them. We can hardly set about it too soon, cap. Thur a movin' torst the edge yander."

"Ef he keeps on ez wasteful ez this, he'll get out o' matches whar he lives over yander; an' I misdoubts ef, smart ez he 'lows he be, he could kindle the wood ter cook his breakfus' by a flint rock, ef he air so boastful ez ter 'low ez he kin set spring water afire."

Shelby as an old hand and privileged character, took off his hat and waved it hilariously, as he called out: "Well that is one sight worth while, Miss Peggy. We've got our own girl back again, praises be!" while old Jess echoed his enthusiasm by shouting: "Praise de Lawd we has, an' we got de boss yander, too!" "Sure thing, Shelby!" answered Durand. "He's all right, Shelby!" cried Ralph.

"Susan," said he, "I don't want to git mad, I don't want to go out yander, snatch them chickens out of the coop an' make 'em nod at each other in the dark, but when you talk that way you almost drive me by jings, you almost drive me out there agin that tree, hard enough to butt the bark off.