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Is a little wooden fire-pan, not essential but convenient; its thin edge is put under the notch to catch the powder that falls. The Bows and Arrows "I don't think much of your artillery," said Yan one day as they were shooting in the orchard with Sam's "Western outfit." "It's about like the first one I made when I was young." "Well, grandpa, let's see your up-to-date make?"

But before he had gone far he heard a loud barking, then yells for help, and turned in time to see Guy scramble up a tree while Cap, the old Collie, barked savagely at him from below. Now that he was in no danger Sappy had the sense to keep quiet. Yan came back as quickly as possible.

Has she got a granddaughter named Biddy?" said Yan, suddenly remembering that his ancient ally came from this part of Sanger. "Oh, my! Hain't she? Ain't Biddy a peach drinks like a fish, talks everybody to death about the time she resided in Bonnerton. Gits a letter every mail begging her to come back and 'reside' with them some more."

"You're stepping wonderfully for a crippled boy the doctors have given up," remarked Yan. "Yes; that's the proud flesh in me right leg that's doin' the high steppin'. The left one is jest plain laig." "Let's hide this somewhere till we get back," and Yan held up the bundle of Witch-hazel. "I'll hide that," said Sam, and he hurled the bundle afar into the creek. "Oh, Sam, that's mean.

"Don't you throw that at me," said Sam seriously. Yan sent it with his deadliest force and aim. Sam dodged it and then in self-defense ran at Yan and they grappled and fought, while Guy, eager for revenge, rushed to help Sam, and got in a few trifling blows. Sam was heavier and stronger than Yan, but Yan had gained wonderfully since coming to Sanger.

Within three days of this the plague of Bluebottles was over, and the boys realized that, judging by its effects, the keeping of a dirty camp is a crime. One other thing old Caleb insisted on: "Yan," said he, "you didn't ought to drink that creek water now; it ain't hardly runnin'. The sun hez it het up, an' it's gettin' too crawly to be healthy."

You'll find lots on the road if you take off your shoes and walk barefoot awful sharp; an' I'll go ahead with the smoothing plane an' see who wins." Yan was not satisfied, but he contented himself with promising that he would some day make some arrows of Arrow-wood shoots and now he would finish at least one with his knife.

"Yes," replied Yan; "that's just where I got it. But hold on, Granny, I want to sketch all those and note down their names and what you say about them." "Shure, you'd hev a big book when I wuz through," said the old woman with pride, as she lit her pipe, striking the match on what would have been the leg of her pants had she been a man.

Thus expressing himself, Yan sank down in his appointed corner and would doubtlessly soon have been floating peacefully in the Middle Distance had not the door been again thrown open and a stranger named Chou-hu entered. "Prosperity!" said Chou-hu courteously, addressing himself to Yan's mother. "Have you eaten your rice?

Shall write the editor.... It is discouraging that no man does right for right's sake, but everything to serve party.... I find such comfort in Aurora Leigh when I am sorely pressed.... Heard Stephen A. Douglas today; a low spectacle for both eye and ear.... Gave my lecture on "The True Woman" at Penn Yan teachers' institute.