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"Come on, now!" cried the Yale captain. "A cheer for Harvard! No better players in the world! Altogether, boys!" It was a ringing tribute. And then the vanquished, tasting the bitterness of defeat, sent forth their acclaim of the lads who had bested them.

About two hundred thousand young ladies could not sleep nights, so anxious were they to know whether Yale or Williams would be the winner. The newspapers gave three and four columns to the particulars, the telegraph wires thrilled the victory to all parts of the land.

Wellesley speaks to Yale, and the language of both is understood by Madison. Ah there's the proof of it now!" Integer vitæ, scelerisque purus! A dozen students lounging on the steps of the library had begun to sing the Latin words to a familiar air. Dan followed in his deep bass to the end. "The words are the words of Horace, but the tune is the tune of Eli with thanks to Dr.

It was safer to ascend such wild streams than to run with the current, though countless canoes and their occupants were never heard of after leaving Yale.

Yale had a good, strong team that had not yet found itself. But there were several of us Princeton players who knew from old association in prep. school the calibre of some of the men we were facing. Cochran and I have often recalled together that silent reunion with our old team-mates of Lawrenceville.

Duncan took a seat near to her, so that she was between him and the banker; and presently Beatrice inclined her head toward him, and whispered: "What's the matter, Roderick? You look like a banquet of the Skull and Bones, which my brother described to me once, when he was at Yale."

But look what it's going to mean to Yale. This thing will have to come out it will probably get into the papers, and how will it look to have a Yale man held up as a thief. It doesn't make any difference to say that he isn't a representative Yale man it's the name of the university that's going to suffer as much as is Mortimer." "That's so I didn't think of that," admitted Andy, rather ruefully.

"Yale fires out such fellows as you!" "Mortimer Gaffington!" gasped Andy. "I rather wish this hadn't happened. Or, rather I wish it had been anyone but he. I can see where this may lead." "You goin' 'pologize?" asked Mortimer, trying to fix a stern gaze on Andy. "Apologize! Certainly not!" cried Andy, indignantly. "It is you fellows who ought to apologize.

As has been stated, he had manifested a decided fondness for Chemistry and Natural Philosophy while at Yale College, where he was a pupil of Professor Silliman in the former science, and of Professor Day in the latter, and after his departure from college he had devoted all his leisure time to the pursuit of these studies.

Yale had won the first game by heavy batting, the final score being twelve to eleven. As the regular 'Varsity nine had likewise won the first of their series with Harvard, the "Sons of Eli" began to think they had a sure thing, and those who came on from New Haven were dead sure in their minds that they would bring back the scalps of the Harvard freshmen.