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'Ah, the villains! Yakob repeated; the great happiness which filled his heart rushed to his lips in incoherent babblings. 'The villains, they have served me nicely! He felt his bleeding head, crouched on his heels and got up. The fleshy red faces were still passing close to him, breathing harder and harder.

He observed smiling, with great self-complacency, "Why, Yâkob, do you call this a large family? What is a large family with you?" I told him eight and even six children was a large family. At this he affected great surprise, for he had heard that generally European females have three or four children at a birth.

I once more returned eastward to the plain, but my head was now swimming, my legs shrank from under me, and I fell exhausted upon the sand. There I lay some time to rest. My brain, hot and bewildered, was crowded with all sorts of fancies, but my courage did not sink. I was seeing every moment people in pursuit of me. I heard them repeatedly call "Yâkob."

The Almoravide and Almohade princes, who ruled both in Spain and Africa, often inserted a clause in their treaties with the Christians for the restoration of the libraries captured in the towns taken from the Moslems; and Ibn Khaldun mentions, that Yakob Al-mansor destined a college at Fez for the reception of the books thus recovered.

One evening, looking at his camels feeding, he said, "Ah, Yâkob, see those camels eat. It does my heart good to see them, for what am I without my camels, what are the Arabs without the camels are not the camels the pillars which support the Arab's house?" At other times he would abuse his fellow camel-drivers for coming into my tent, upbraiding them, "What, do you want to rob The Christian?

The crowd turned upon him with fists and nails; he hid his face in his rags, stopped his ears with his fingers, and shook his head. The prisoners had been dispatched, and it was Yakob's turn to be taken before the officer in command of the battalion. 'Say that I...that I... Yakob entreated his guard. 'What are you in such a hurry for? 'Say that I...

A noise, light as a beetle's wing, came in puffs from the half-open lips; they were swollen and purple like an overgrown bean. Yakob had been sitting in Turkish fashion, his hands crossed over his chest, breathing forth his misery so quietly that it covered him, together with the hoar-frost, stopped his ears and made the tufts of hair on his chest glitter.

He noticed only now that there were some lying concealed behind the fence on the straw in a confused mass. He shuddered; thick drops of perspiration stood on his forehead. The beating of his heart filled his head like the noise of a hammer, it seemed to fill everything. In spite of the feeling that he was being forced to do this thing, he again heard the voice calling: 'Yakob, Yakob!

Two great blocks of rock stand out on the surface which we traverse, one an oblong square, the other sugar-loaf, but flattened at the top. Camel-drivers. Myself. "How! Are these brothers? They are not much like." Camel-drivers. "Yâkob, don't you know that one brother is born like the father, and the other like the mother?"

Among them were those who had come to his cottage; he recognized the captain and others. When they saw Yakob they waved their hands cordially and called out to him, 'Old man, old man! Yakob did not reply; he shrunk into himself. Shame filled his soul. He looked at them vacantly.