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Some Arabs present, said, "You are right, Yâkob." Vexed at my reproof, they attacked me on the subject of slaves, asking me why the English disapproved of slaves? I replied sharply, "It is not our religion to buy and sell men, though it may be your religion." At the Governor's I observed the style of cutting and braiding fashionable young ladies' hair, in the example of his daughters.

In the morning, after coffee, when she had given her orders for the farm, Tatiana Markovna sat down at her bureau to her accounts, then sat by the window and looked out into the field, watched the labourers, saw what was going on in the yard, and sent Yakob or Vassilissa when there was anything of which she disapproved.

They crept down the road, passed the clump of pine-trees which came out in a point beside the brook, and went along the valley on the slippery stones. A large block of ice lay across the brook, shaped like a silver plough; the waves surrounded it as with golden crescents. The snow creaked under the soldiers' feet. Yakob walked beside them on his sandals, like a silent ghost.

'No... tremblingly came from the inside. 'You see, the soldier paced up and down again, 'you are thinking of your cottage. I can understand that. But do you think the cottage will be any the worse off for your death? The soldier's simple and dour words outside in the blue night, his talk of Yakob's death, of his own death which might come at any moment, slowly brought sleep to Yakob.

'Get up, old man, cried his guard; 'we're off! Yakob jumped to his feet, hitched up his trousers, and went off perplexed, under cover of four bayonets that seemed to carry a piece of sky between them like a starred canopy. His fear grew as he approached the village. He did not see the familiar cottages and hedges; he felt as though he were moving onwards without a goal.

Ignaty shook his head and screwed up his eyes, and Yakob, standing at the wall again, angrily tore splinters from the boards with his blackened fingers. Yefim, behind the mother, slowly paced up and down along the length of the table.

Water you will have first, sweet water. Wood there will be always ready for you to make a fire and cook the cuscasou. You will be my friend, Yâkob, before the Sultan. In our towns, we have cheese, butter, wheat, sheep, bullocks. You Christians have none like them. Make haste back, make haste, and come to Aheer."

The soldiers were sitting round a camp-fire, piling up the faggots. Soup was boiling in a cauldron. 'Say that I... he begged again, standing in the thick smoke. At last he was taken into the school-house. The officer in command stood in the middle of the room with a cigarette between his fingers. 'I...I... groaned Yakob, already in the door.

A chapel for public worship was fitted up, and here, as also at Beirût, there was preaching every Sabbath in the Arabic language, with an interesting Sabbath-school between the services. Mr. Calhoun having joined the mission, coming from Smyrna, the charge of the new seminary was committed to him. The Rev. Thomas Laurie arrived from Mosul the same year. Yakob Agha died in the year 1845.

He then said gravely, "Now, Yâkob, you are my friend you wish to go to Soudan, I will go with you, if you like, but I will sell you my camel, on which you rode here. You know it's good and very wise. It doesn't stumble. Buy it, I'll sell it because you are my friend, you shall have it cheap, for twenty-five dollars."