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Next time you throw your fit, you throw it before you come around me, or I'll make you wish you had see?" The Flopper was swinging legs and arms to restore a normal channel of circulation. "Y'oughter get used to it," said he, with a grin. "Ain't Pale Face Harry come yet, an' where's the Doc?" "Behind the axe under the table," said the girl tartly and flung herself back on the couch.

The doctor says instead I should be making a nuisance of myself uptown, I would be better off in the store here. He was there before I could get home." "Who was there?" Abe asked. "The doctor?" "Not the doctor," Morris went on. "The boy was there. Minnie is doing fine. The doctor said everything would be all right." "That's good. That's good," Abe murmured. "Y'oughter seen him, Abe.

Helena's brown eyes, a little wistfully, a little softly, held upon the Flopper. "Yes?" she said quietly. "Youse had better cut it out ter-night, Helena," the Flopper went on. "Y'oughter know de Doc by dis time de guy dat starts anything wid de Doc gets his dat's all! Remember de night he threw Cleggy down de stairs in de Roost? an' he was only havin' fun!

Been driving me round for three hours trying to locate the blooming house. Charged me $5. Hell of a good business, ain't it. Tain't on the level to treat an old pal that way. Y'oughter be ashamed o' yourself." "I'm more ashamed of you for making such a beast of yourself," rejoined Keralio angrily. "Stop your cursed noise or you'll have the police on top of us!"

I verked ever since I vas a liddle boy, and if I eat too much now, maybe it's because I didn't get enough ven I vas liddle. And maybe I got more money dan vot I got a right to, but I know dis I ain't never had enough to do half vot I vant to! But dere's plenty fellers got ten times vot I got, and never done a stroke o' vork fer it. Dey're de vuns y'oughter git after!"