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"I'm going down to meet them!" she screamed. "Well, I hope you WILL meet 'em. But I guess you better go back to the house. Hey? WUNT? Well; come along, then, if they ain't past doctorin' by the time they git ashore! Pretty well wrapped up, any way!" he roared; and she perceived that she had put on her waterproof and drawn the hood over her head.

"I don't mind scrambling," she said with piping inflexibility, "but I can't jump and I wunt jump." "Scramble, old lady, then scramble!" said Mr. Polly, pulling her arm. "It's one up and two down on these blessed tiles." "It's not what I'm used to," she said. "Stick to it!" said Mr. Polly, "live and learn," and got to the ridge and grasped at her arm to pull her after him.

For the inditing of the letter Buck went to night school two whole weeks before he could master enough letters and words to finish it to his satisfaction, It read: "Deer Mik WE WunT "Buck." The significant words filled the boy's heart with pride over his friend whenever he thought of it, even after some time had passed. He had faith in Buck.

But," he performed a circle with his pipe stem, and darted it as from the centre thereof toward Stephen's breast, with the poser, "do we s'pport thieves at public expense for them to keep thievin' black, white, or brown no matter, eh? Well, then, if the public wunt bear it, dang me if I can see why individles shud bear it.

The farmer bluntly denied it was he was the party who made her unhappy. "Nobody can't accuse me. Tell ye what, sir. I wunt have the busybodies set to work about her, and there's all the matter. So let you and I come to an understandin'." A blind inclination to take offence made Richard sit upright. He forgot it the next minute, and said humbly: "Am I the cause of her going?"

But," he performed a circle with his pipe stem, and darted it as from the centre thereof toward Stephen's breast, with the poser, "do we s'pport thieves at public expense for them to keep thievin' black, white, or brown no matter, eh? Well, then, if the public wunt bear it, dang me if I can see why individles shud bear it.

The law wunt let us have liquor shipped to us from anywhars in the State. If we git it sent to us from outside the State it has to come by express and reg-lar old pop-skull it is, too. So, to be good law-abiding citizens, we-uns must travel back and forth at a heap of expense, or pay express rates on pizened liquor and we are too durned poor to do ary one or t'other. "Now, yan's my field o' corn.

'I wunt, said John; 'but I'll hit a fellow when un's up. Sir Felix was little more than a child in the man's arms.

The farmer bluntly denied it was he was the party who made her unhappy. "Nobody can't accuse me. Tell ye what, sir. I wunt have the busybodies set to work about her, and there's all the matter. So let you and I come to an understandin'." A blind inclination to take offence made Richard sit upright. He forgot it the next minute, and said humbly: "Am I the cause of her going?"

Take care where you step, nor crush them, I pray, For fear you will frighten the fairies away. 'Oh! thought Dicky, in a trance of delight, 'now I shall go to the fairies' ball, and see 'em dance under the cunning little teenty umberells; and wunt they be mad at home when nobuddy can't see 'em but just only me!