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And Egfrid, being very brave, although he must have seen well enough what this meant, kept his face well, and answered that Jarl Ingvar was welcome, coming in peace. "Aye in peace just now," answered Ingvar, looking at him. "Now, I will say this, that Wulfric's sister has found a brave husband."

"When I go back to my own land, lady, I shall have many questions asked me by one of whom you have doubtless heard, as to how our friend's sister was arrayed for her wedding. And that I shall not be able to say but this I know, that I may tell Osritha that Wulfric's sister was worthy of Wulfric."

I looked at the beautiful boat astern, tossing lightly on the wave crests, and saw that she would surely be lost over the bar; so I asked my father now, as I had meant before, if we might not try to get her on board. For answer he turned to Lodbrok. "Set you much store by your boat, Jarl?" he asked him. "The boat is yours, Thane, or Wulfric's, by all right of salvage.

This gold ring have I offered to your stranger here for his falcon which has three wing feathers missing, moreover and he will not sell, though I trow that a man cast ashore must needs want gold more than a bird which he may not fly save I gain him leave from the king." "The bird is Wulfric's," said Lodbrok quietly.