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Then maybe came into Wulfnoth's mind that rede of the witch of Senlac, that bade Godwine mind his sheep, and so find his place, or else this was part of the plan which had brought him into Wessex. For he asked Ulf to take Godwine to Cnut, and find him a place in his court, and the jarl did so.

I had but seen him once before, and that was at Earl Wulfnoth's feast to Olaf when we first came. That was an evening to be remembered as most pleasant when, after the feast, we sat and spoke of all that had happened since I left Penhurst. I told them all the tale of warfare, and of Olaf's deeds, and of the winning back of my sword, and how that helped our meeting with Egil.

Little gain will he be to you, for he is landless and ruined," he sneered, chuckling. "Well," said Egil, "he is a close friend of Earl Wulfnoth's, and maybe it is just as well that you hung him not. Cnut would hardly have thanked you for setting that man against him, and maybe bringing Olaf the Norseman down on him also." Streone had thought not of those things.

But a ship that had sprung a leak in some way put into Wulfnoth's haven at Shoreham from this fleet, and from thence we learnt that the Danes had halved their forces, and that Cnut and Ulf the jarl were going again into the Severn to withstand Eadmund in Wessex, and if possible to hem him in between two forces in the old way of the days of Alfred. London was beset straitly, but not taken yet.

"Now tell me what became of the brave maiden who withstood the Danes with you, and also my sharp tongue trouble sharpened it, Redwald, and I have repented my hard words to her." "She is with friends at Penhurst, near to Earl Wulfnoth's castle of Pevensea. And she feared that you would hate her." "I would that I could reward her rather," the queen said. "Have you seen her of late?"

And that was racing up inland, already foaming through the wooden arches that spanned its course. I had heard that the tide reached this place a full hour after it began to flow at Pevensea, and even now it was thus, two hours before it should have been at its highest there. Wulfnoth's men led, and then came the earl, riding beside Spray and the horse which bore the treasure.

"I will hang you up if he is lost," said Wulfnoth's voice. Then I sprang up and shouted, and the vault rang painfully in my ears. It was Olaf who called back to me. "Ho, Redwald where are you?" "Under the house, in a pit," I answered, standing under the opening. Then someone came tramping above me, and the next moment Spray's leather-hosed leg came through the hole, and he nearly joined me.

Where Eadmund was I followed, and I know that I saved him once or twice from spear thrusts that would have slain him when he charged among the Danes, where they pressed us most hardly. Wearied was my arm, but sword Foe's Bane bit through helm and harness, and once I was facing Ulf the jarl, and he cried out to me: "Well smitten, Wulfnoth's man!" For he knew me.

Which last seemed wisest, and so I grew discontented, and went down to the boat and bade the men take my arms and few belongings to Earl Wulfnoth's house. When I came there the steward knew me, and made me very welcome. The earl was at Pevensea or Shoreham, but Godwine was in and out of the haven, and would be here ere long. So they told me, and set a good meal before me.

But of this I was sure now, that if fortune went with me presently, I would surely seek Ailwin and tell him that I must be free, and so would seek Uldra, and ask her to share what I might have to give her, if a home should be mine again. I had thought much of this brave, quiet maiden while I was chafing at doing nought in Wulfnoth's farmstead, though I would not have stayed at Penhurst.