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For he seems to think that he knows what he needs better than I. Many a time he says, 'It seems to me that I am wronging God in this: free me from wrong, and let what He wills be done. This is a sign that you are freed from wrong, when you see in yourself goodwill not to want to wrong God, and displeasure with sin; thence ought you to take hope.

Now and then the dreadful thought came across me that he might perhaps murder me, or throw me overboard. I might be wronging the man; but I knew he had been a pirate, and was not likely to be very particular as to what he would do. Again daylight departed, and when at length I fell asleep, I was dreaming of fountains and lakes and sparkling streams and draughts of crystal water.

Hugh and I would have been so glad to go to you and ask you to let him be taken away, or to have asked you to help us to higher living till he was well enough to go. I need hardly tell you that we both recognized that it was wronging you for him to stay on in the house after we discovered that we loved each other. Hugh planned to go, and then came the accident, and we were helpless.

"'Know we not well how seventy times seven Wronging our mighty arms with rust, We dared not do the will of Heaven, Lest Heaven should hurl us in the dust." Miss Abercrombie quoted to him. He stared at her with puzzled old eyes. "I don't think that can apply to England," he said. "And in this case the people won't let them. We must have war."

Raymond, are you aware that in all this you have been strengthening the case against Eleanore Leavenworth instead of weakening it?" I could only ejaculate, in my sudden wonder and dismay. "You have shown her to be secret, sly, and unprincipled; capable of wronging those to whom she was most bound, her uncle and her husband."

Jessy had set her love's first music to the broad, artistic heart of Petralto; she could not, without wronging herself, decline to a lower range of feelings and a narrower heart. This reserve of herself was not a conscious one. She was not one of those self-involved women always studying their own emotions; she was simply true to the light within her.

"How much money can a man honestly earn without wronging or oppressing some other man?" "Well, if you'll let me answer in English," said March, "I should say about five thousand dollars a year.

He desires empire: he conceives you to be his only opponents. He has been for some time wronging you, as his own conscience best informs him, since, by retaining what belongs to you, he secures the rest of his dominion: had he given up Amphipolis and Potidaea, he deemed himself unsafe at home.

Do not allow your sensitiveness to restrain you do not feel that you will be 'wronging me' as you have expressed it, 'by giving me only the ashes of your love; I shall be content if you will but come. Violet, will you?" Violet was nearer loving him at that moment than she had ever been.

A clear head, an excellent judgment, profound meditation, universal learning, prodigious reading, continual application to study amidst many distractions and the duties of several considerable places, together with a sincere love to truth, are qualities which cannot be denied to that great man without wronging our own judgment and giving room to suspect us of black envy or gross ignorance.