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His eyes rolled round the room till he caught sight of Alister, then suddenly producing three letters, fanwise, as if he were holding a hand at whist, he jerked up the centre one, like a "forced" card in a trick, and said softly, "For you" and still looking round with the others in his hand, he added, "For two; allee same as you," and as Alister distributed them to Dennis and me, his wooden face took a few wrinkles of contempt, and he added, "One nigger bringee.

This discordant detail made his eyes, still bright and youthful, all the more remarkable in his tanned face, because it had so long been ruddy with the florid hues of a Rubens; and now a certain discoloration and the deep tension of the wrinkles betrayed the efforts of a passion at odds with natural decay.

When my daughter was gone I gazed searchingly at myself in the mirror. Old? Nonsense! I saw a man with no wrinkles and only a few crow's-feet such as anybody might have had; with hardly a gray hair on my temples and with not even a suggestion of a bald spot.

You presume upon my invitation to this house, in an underhand way, to What right have you?" Mrs. Mavick was so beside herself that she could hardly speak. The lines in her face deepened into wrinkles and scowls. There was something malevolent and mean in it. Philip was astonished at the transformation. And she looked old and ugly in her passion. "You!" she repeated. "It is only this, Mrs.

In my mind I had learned to associate such a sight with at least one old woman an incredibly old woman, with a back bent like a measuring worm's, and a cap on her scanty hair, and a face crosshatched with a million wrinkles who would be pottering about at the back of some half- ruined house or maybe squatting in a desolated doorway staring at us with her rheumy, puckered eyes.

I've always been a merciful woman my child," she pursued shaking her little flat, false gray curls above her painted wrinkles, "for never in my life have I cast a stone at anyone who amused me; but as for Percival and his flute! Well, I won't say a disagreeable word on the subject, but I honestly think that a passion at his age is absolutely indecent."

Ambrose silenced the dog with a command, and the man came slowly down the bank, cringing a little. The quaintness of aspect was largely due to the fact that he wore a coat and trousers originally designed for a tall, stout man. Ambrose suspected he had a child to deal with until he saw the wrinkles and the sophisticated eyes. "Who are you?" he asked. "I Alexander Selkirk, me," was the answer.

She had always had confidences enough of her own to take care of, without sharing those of other people. "Good heavens!" she had exclaimed once, "I should as soon think of assuming another woman's wrinkles."

"You find me attractive this morning," she said with a sad little smile. "I am glad. I wish that I might be attractive to you forever and ever. I mean my shoulders, my arms, my hands free from wrinkles or fat or dryness." "I'd love you now if you were to assume the shape of a Chinese dragon," I said seriously, " or the Sheik of Baalbec."

But look under the bolster it is all smooth, and you find none of those wrinkles which are made by the weight of the head and the moving about of the arms. That's not all; look at the bed from the middle to the foot. The sheets being laid carefully, the upper and under lie close together everywhere.