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For a moment she hesitated, then she flung herself, sobbing piteously, on her knees at his feet. "If I tell you all, will you pledge yourself to keep my secret, and my father's secret, come what may?" she cried, wringing her hands. "Yes," he replied, solemnly. "I shall never divulge what you tell me. You can speak freely, Bernardine." And Bernardine did speak freely.

On arriving, he found his man, Teddy O'Donel, sitting over the kitchen fire in the last stage of an attack of deep depression and home sickness. Jack's sudden appearance wrought an instantaneous cure. "Ah!" said he, grasping his master's hand and wringing it warmly; "it's a blessed sight for sore eyes! Sure I've bin all but dead, sur, since ye wint away."

He was amazed to see that three hours had passed since he had given orders to the men. He hurried back to the house. No one was there except the old servant, who was wringing her hands and crying that the house would burn. Throwing the cakes of phosphorus into a watering-trough, Kurt ran into the kitchen, snatched a few biscuits, and then made for the fields, eating as he went.

Before he could reach the unfortunate child the water was up to her waist, and she was wringing her little helpless hands, and saying, "Now I lay me down to sleep!" Faithful old Zip lost not a moment, but seized her skirts and dragged her to the bank, laying her on the ground as tenderly as her own mother could have done.

Then I pulled my sled over close to Nunatak cliff, made haste to strip off my clothing, threw it in a sloppy heap and crept into my sleeping-bag to shiver away the night as best I could. July 21. Dressing this rainy morning was a miserable job, but might have been worse. After wringing my sloppy underclothing, getting it on was far from pleasant.

Beside the bed, sat Louise, wringing her hands and moaning. James Rutlidge stood near. Without speaking, Mrs. Taine went forward. The doctor, bending over his patient, with his fingers upon the skeleton-like wrist, said, "Mr. Taine, Mr. Taine, your wife is here." In response, the eyes, deep sunken under the wrinkled brow, opened; the loosely hanging, sensual lips quivered.

Passengers by this time showed in various stages of dressing women wringing their hands, men gesticulating. If there is anything calculated to send a thrill of awe through a crowd, it is the cry of "Man overboard!" And when one looked below, and saw above the drowning head two white arms thrust from the sea, a horrible thing was brought home to each of us.

"For God's sake, have mercy, Andre!" she cried, wringing her hands with anguish, "let me tell you everything; don't kill " This burst of maternal love, M. Fauvel thought the pleadings of a criminal woman defending her lover. He roughly seized his wife by the arm, and thrust her aside, saying with indignant scorn: "Get out of the way!"

No long dawdling, and no running away from work on the part of the maids, thus close to the eye of the Senora at the upper end of the garden; and if they had known how picturesque they looked there, kneeling on the grass, lifting the dripping linen out of the water, rubbing it back and forth on the stones, sousing it, wringing it, splashing the clear water in each other's faces, they would have been content to stay at the washing day in and day out, for there was always somebody to look on from above.

The scene which now took place was beyond all power of description; peals of wild, fiendlike yells rang through the chapel, as the party which stood on the altar and that which had crouched in the darkness met; wringing of hands, leaping in triumph, striking of sticks and fire-arms against the ground and the altar itself, dancing and cracking of fingers, marked the triumph of some hellish determination.