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"The wise men of my people have consulted together in the matter of this Narragansett," he said, "and their spirits have wrestled powerfully with the subject.

Venters saw, and knew that Lassiter saw, how Jane Withersteen's tortured soul wrestled with hate and threw it with scorn doubt, suspicion, and overcame all. "Bern, if in my misery I accused you unjustly, I crave forgiveness," she said. "I'm not what I once was. Tell me who is this girl?" "Jane, she is Oldring's daughter, and his Masked Rider.

Henceforth her bitter thoughts must be wrestled with alone. She did so wrestle with them. She walked out into her favourite meadow now lying in the silent, frost-bound mistiness of a January day. It was where she had often been in summer with Sara, and Charles Geddes, and the little boys. Now everything seemed so wintry and lonely.

The devout Catholic sees all the world sub specie peccati. The flesh seems to him always ready to fall the devil always at hand. Little restless proud creature! What a riddle she has been to him all the time flitting about the house so pale and inaccessible, so silent, too, in general, since that night when he had wrestled with her in the drawing-room.

Presently an uneasiness came over me grew upon me assailed me without ceasing. Alas, my regeneration was not complete I wanted to smoke! I resisted with all my strength, but the flesh was weak. I wandered away alone and wrestled with myself an hour. I recalled my promises of reform and preached to myself persuasively, upbraidingly, exhaustively.

Blake's face is the humble chastened look of one whom God has touched in the hollow of his thigh, mayhap and the limp may be seen of all men to the last. But pride is there too, the solemn pride of one who has wrestled and prevailed, to go henceforth forever halting, but forever heavenward.

Ripley was well acquainted, had impressed him with the truth of the divinity of man's nature, or had convinced him more thoroughly that his own ideas of it were right. He had wrestled with progressively conservative giants, professors of colleges notably Andrews Norton and had won well-earned laurels.

It was our poor, sinful, worldly-minded brother here present who was wrestled for. The now-opening career of this our unawakened brother might lead to his becoming a minister of what was called 'the church. That was what HE looked to. The church. Not the chapel, Lord. The church.

And what a glorious spectacle it was when black and white wrestled together! How well the contrast of color distinguished the individual combatants, even when they clung together in close embrace!

In conscious weakness, and in the confidence of self-despair, he wrestled with the mysterious Visitant in the only fashion in which He can be wrestled with.