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Du Croisier himself, urged by President du Ronceret, appealed from the finding of the Tribunal to the Court-Royal, and lost his cause. The Liberals throughout the department held that little d'Esgrignon was guilty; while the Royalists, on the other hand, told frightful stories of plots woven by "that abominable du Croisier" to compass his revenge.

Was it his visits, bellicose though they were, to Italy and Spain, that turned his observant eye to the luxury of woven story and made him desire that France should produce the same?

Of course after the cloth is milled it comes out smooth, but it is not as smooth and fine as a worsted cloth." "I think I understand," Donald said. "Are we to see the cloth woven next?" "Yes. You know we weave nothing but woolens; you must go to a worsted mill to see the other kinds of cloth made. The processes, though, are much alike." Mr.

They are "doing their job," like the airmen, and if a German shell finds them in the wood, why, the German will have done his job, and they will bear no grudge. It is simple as that for them. But to the onlooker, they are all figures in a great design woven into the terrible tapestry of war, and charged with a meaning that we of this actual generation shall never more than dimly see or understand.

I loved him, but he made of righteousness a stern and terrible thing implying not joy, but punishment, the suppression rather than the expansion of aspirations. His religion seemed woven all of austerity, contained no shining threads to catch my eye. Dreams, to him, were matters for suspicion and distrust.

'O Glaucus! said Ione, greatly terrified, 'what have we done? Let us hasten from this place; the storm has ceased. Good mistress, forgive him recall thy words he meant but to defend himself accept this peace-offering to unsay the said': and Ione, stooping, placed her purse on the hag's lap. 'Away! said she, bitterly 'away! The oath once woven the Fates only can untie. Away!

Dwellings woven of flexible substances. In spite of their lack of skill and the inadequacy of their organs for this kind of work, Fish are not the most awkward architects.

He had been drawn irresistibly toward Sylvia almost from their meeting in the lecture room several years before, but he could hardly allow himself the luxury of day dreams then, and it was not until his promotion had seemed to him to place him upon a safe footing, that he had paused long enough to realize how completely she was woven into all his thoughts of the future.

Those who are rash enough to predict publicly beforehand commonly give us what they hope, or what they fear, or some conclusion from an abstraction of their own, or some guess founded on private information not half so good as what everybody gets who reads the papers, never by any possibility a word that we can depend on, simply because there are cob-webs of contingency between every to-day and to-morrow that no field-glass can penetrate when fifty of them lie woven one over another.

I loved him, but he made of righteousness a stern and terrible thing implying not joy, but punishment, the, suppression rather than the expansion of aspirations. His religion seemed woven all of austerity, contained no shining threads to catch my eye. Dreams, to him, were matters for suspicion and distrust.