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They have selected a field of battle on which I am an abler general than they that of a conference. No, we shall beat them by merely temporizing. They want food already. They will be ten times worse off in a week." "Ah, yes! Good heavens! I know it will end in that way; but it is not they who taunt me with the most wounding reproaches, but "

I resolved, however, to comply with his desires, and came immediately to Paris; but heaven has shewed him how little it approves his giving me this unnecessary trouble, for this morning I received a letter from him, that meeting with robbers in his way, they had taken from him all his money and bills of exchange, besides wounding him in several places, so that he cannot proceed on his journey till his hurts, which it seems are not dangerous, are cured, and he has fresh remittances from hence.

My feeling was that of one who has striven and failed failed through a solitary act of gross carelessness. But if I was dejected, I was no less determined. One of them was guilty. My determination was to be no longer considerate through fear of wounding the innocent.

Harland concluded, in acceptance of the apology, for I saw a thunder-cloud darkening over me, and knew it would break in terror over my head. "I have spoken hastily, Mr. Harland," said Ernest. "If I have said any thing wounding to your feelings, as a gentleman, I recall it. But you may tell your friend, that the next time he asserts that he has seen Mrs.

The news of their victories preceding them opened the timid cities to their entrance, and brought them abundant supplies. Brought into despair by the apparent death of Raymond of Toulouse and the serious wounding of Godfrey by a bear, they rejoiced in the recovery of both as a miracle in the camp.

How she needed them at this moment: they had been sweethearts all their lives. One picture of them rose with distinctness before her for the wounding picture always comes to the wounded moment. She saw them sitting in their pew far down toward the chancel.

Hardly, indeed, had I taken my seat, when the chief of the Syracuse police informed me that there were gathered near the platform a large body of Tammany roughs who had come from New York expressly to interfere with the convention, just as a few years before they had interfered in the same place with the convention of their own party, seriously wounding its regular chairman; but that I need have no alarm at any demonstration they might make; that the police were fully warned and able to meet the adversary.

"I can not see," said Darius, "and I am afraid of wounding you." "No matter," said Gobryas, struggling desperately all the time with his frantic victim. "Strike quick, if you kill us both." Darius struck. Gobryas loosened his hold, and the magian fell upon the floor, and there, stabbed again through the heart by Darius's sword, almost immediately ceased to breathe.

"I'll give 'em something to remember us by!" He had a double-barreled shotgun, and he let drive twice in quick succession, firing into two groups of the beasts, and killing two and wounding several others. Then Dick fired, bringing down another. Tom and Sam also discharged their pieces, and added three others to the dead or dying.

Had we before been inclined to fire, we were less willing to do so now, for fear of wounding either the girls or poor Dio, who was placed as a shield by the man who was dragging him along. Our first impulse was to run and rescue the dear ones who had caused us so much anxiety. They shrieked out, overcome with terror, as they heard us approaching, until my voice reassured them.