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She recalled the words that the old French peasant, François, had once spoken to her and to Barbara. "Have you pity only for wounded soldiers? Do girls and women never care to help one another? This war has made wounds deeper than any bullets can create." Immediately Nona had seen that Sonya Valesky was very ill. Now, no matter who she was, or what she had done, she must be restored to health.

Here we found much ammunition for field-pieces, which was destroyed; also two caissons, and a general hospital, with about two hundred and eighty Confederate wounded, and about fifty of our own wounded men.

As it was, indeed, the British officers had some difficulty in restraining several of the drivers from cutting down the prisoners who had been secured. In a few minutes not a single black, except those who had been made prisoners and a few who lay dead or wounded on the ground, was to be seen.

At all events, nothing very serious occurred until the plain was pretty well strewn with wounded animals. Then it was that Eaglenose, in his wild ambition to become the best hunter of the tribe, as well as the best warrior, singled out an old bull, and gave chase to him. This was wanton as well as foolish, for bulls are dangerous and their meat is tough. What cared Eaglenose for that?

"Let me go on: who had been wounded in a fight with swords on the same night behind the church of Saint-Andre-des-Arts by the Duc de Vitry." "The Duc de Vitry! How do you know that?" "No matter how, I know it for a fact.

"Men from every company started out the first thing after reaching camp to look for our dead and wounded, many of whom lay not fifty rods off. The slightly wounded who had not got away had been taken prisoners and sent at once toward Richmond while the severely wounded had lain all day on the ground near where they were hit while the tide of battle ebbed and flowed over them.

An arquebus shot from the town grazed his forehead, and, without inflicting a severe wound, stunned him so much that he lost his balance and fell head foremost towards the ground; his leg, which had been wounded at the midnight assault upon Paris, where he stood at the side of King Henry, caught in the ladder and held him suspended.

"Leftenant Logan," replied a wounded trooper who had a sabre-cut on the side of his face which was bleeding profusely. "The fall of Captain Letcher leaves me in command," said this officer, approaching the young lieutenant.

He don't know what he's saying. He's wounded, you know. Please don't mind him!" "I won't touch him," said the captain, with rather extraordinary earnestness; "don't you worry about him at all. I won't touch him!" Then he looked at her, and the girl suddenly withdrew her fingers from his arm.

Half Rowe's force fell, he himself was badly wounded, most of his officers down, when some squadrons of French horse fell upon their flank, threw them into confusion, and took the colours of the regiment. The Hessians, who so far had been in reserve, fell upon the French, and retook the colours.