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Pianoforte-playing, amongst other things, seemed an occupation so inappropriate and uncongenial, that to escape those odious "exercises" which thousands of girls, by the way, have found equally distasteful she would frequently cut and wound her fingers severely. We have alluded to her fondness for history.

Perhaps, before I knew you, another woman might have cured me; but now you alone, of all the world, have power to destroy me or to save me, for I bear in my heart the wound of all the evil I have done you. I have been an ingrate, blind and cruel. God be praised! You love me still.

Although she suffered acutely, she had the nerve to draw the arrow from the wound. She refused to have the wound 'charmed, as some of those standing around her suggested, saying she would sooner die than do anything that might be displeasing in the sight of Heaven. A compress, steeped in oil, was then applied, and it staunched the bleeding.

"It went clean through him!" he said, rising from his inspection of Macdonald's wound. And then, moved by the pain in Frances' tearless eyes, he enlarged upon the advantages of that from a surgical view. "The beauty of a hole in a man's chest like that is that it lets the pizen dreen off," he told her.

It will not be necessary for me to stay with him, as the ladies of the harem can look after him; but I must remain in the next room, so as to be ready to run in, at once, should they see that the wound is bleeding again. I have asked the hakims to make a soothing potion, to aid him to sleep long and soundly. "As I went up to the side of the bed, Abu smiled.

Doctor Bolter felt his patient's pulse. "Have you been putting him up to thinking his wound was poisoned?" he said, angrily. "No, doctor," said Tom Long, quietly; "it was my idea, and I feel sure it is." "Tom Long," said Doctor Bolter, "you're only a boy, and if you weren't so ill, I'd box your ears.

She would go on in her shallow way of life, smashing windows, voting, leading perfectly decent young men to do things they never meant to do; but he, the tender, the true, the ever-earnest, he would not recover from the wound that frail one had so carelessly inflicted.

Here, where the trail wound along through the chasm of the bush, the light from my cone would, over the horses' backs, strike twigs and leaves now and then. Everything seemed to drip and to weep. All nature was weeping I walked the horses for ten minutes more. Then I stopped. It must have been just at the point where the grade began; but I do not know for sure.

"At least you will be none the worse for an hour's rest," said my father, humouring his fancy. "Edmond, get off his boots, and do it gently: we must keep this wound from bleeding afresh." Between us we removed his clothes, and in spite of his protests got him into bed, when my father bathed and bandaged his side, saying, "It looks worse than it really is.

It happened that he did not step on me with his whole weight, if he had my jaw would have been broken. When I got up the colored groom was standing by me, but he could not whip me when he saw the blood flowing from my mouth, so he took me down to the creek, which was but a short distance from the place, and washed me, and then taking me home, sent for a doctor, who dressed the wound. When Mr.