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Slaving in that iron, metallic, brazen New York to write ineptitudes about music in the Sunday paper. God! And this." They were sitting down at a table in a noisy cafe, full of yellow light flashing in eyes and on glasses and bottles, of red lips crushed against the thin hard rims of glasses. "Wouldn't you like to just rip it off?"

"He has the defects of his qualities, my dear. The same people can often rise to great heights and sink to great depths. They can do worse things and better things than we humdrum folk, who jog along the middle of the road. We must forgive such people for doing things we wouldn't do, and remember their power to do things we couldn't do."

I'm going up the river on a visit to mother; but if I was going straight back, I wouldn't take your two thousand dollars for the half of it. I would be afraid of losing it, or getting robbed and murdered. I don't know what wouldn't happen. I would be happy to oblige you, but indeed, indeed I couldn't!"

At the proper Jubilee the Fifty Year affair I was down at Wookey a boy. I missed all that.... What a fuss we had with him! My landlady wouldn't take him in, wouldn't let him stay he looked so queer when he was rigid. We had to carry him in a chair up to the hotel.

"No, I should not," said Gertrude; "but I wouldn't dream about him, Kitty, nor think of him any more; we will both go to sleep and forget him." "It is different with you," said Kitty, with simplicity. "He loves you, and you do not care for him; but I I " Here her feelings overpowered her, and she buried her face in her pillow.

But if I see a good chance to get even with them, I'm going to do it and I won't ask for any help, either! Just you wait!" "Let's quit scrapping among ourselves, Dolly. Wouldn't they just be tickled to death if they knew we were doing that! Nothing would please them any better."

She is rather a striking girl. Well, you certainly have made the most of your opportunities. Let's see, you have known her now for quite a long while. Must be nearly twenty-four hours." "Oh, don't underestimate it, Mason; quite thirty-six hours at least." "So long as that? Ah, well, I don't wish to discourage you; but I wouldn't be too sure of her if I were you." "Sure of her!

"No, I have it, but I am expecting to use it." "I wouldn't mind paying you interest for it say twenty-five cents," continued Leonard, who had set his heart on buying a ticket in the gift enterprise. "I would be ashamed to take such interest as that." "But I have a chance of making a good deal more out of it myself." "In what way?" "That is my secret." "Why don't you borrow it of your uncle?"

Fifty thousand pounds to her seemed so trivial; to me it was something that might be obtained after the struggle of a lifetime. 'Well, I wouldn't let that discourage me too much if I were you; besides, you see Oh! here we are. We'll talk about this some other time.

'His lodger lost 'is purse the other day. "I'd got two and ninepence, as it 'appened, and then there was more trouble because the skipper wouldn't give 'im the money till he 'ad gone, and 'e wouldn't go till he 'ad got it. The skipper gave way at last, and as soon as he 'ad got it 'Arry ses, 'Now 'op off and borrer the rest, and look slippy about it.