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"The man Tucker is safe behind the bars, is he not?" "He was at last accounts," smiled the captain. "I am sorry Jones knows what happened to Dunk. I had hoped to keep him in ignorance of that until we had rounded up the rest of the gang. However, what's done cannot be undone." "Where is your horse?" asked Tad. "A little way down the creek. He's all right. Don't worry about him."

"I never looked at it in this way," she told him, when he had finished. "I don't like to take that view of it, even now, but I suppose I must." "Try not to worry about Dan," he said, sympathetically. "We'll start back as soon as I'm able to move around, and I'll do my best to see that he isn't hurt. It's tough to be laid up this way." "There's another sick man in camp, by the way." "Who?"

I just love a dumb creature, and I want to stop and talk to every one I see. Sometimes I worry poor Bessie Drury, and I'm so sorry, but I can't help it. She says, 'What makes you so silly, Laura?" Miss Laura was standing just where the sunlight shone through her light-brown hair, and made her face all in a glow. I thought she looked more beautiful than I had ever seen her before, and I think Mrs.

So the forenoon passed, leaving her at dinner time a little more tired than usual, but free from the worry of the day before. Soon after the meal Miss Lucy went downstairs. When she came back Polly was playing Authors with Leonora, Mabel, Frederica, and Stella. She stopped beside Polly's chair. "Dr. Dudley wants you," she smiled. "Run right along, and I will take your place."

She put the book down impatiently and, going across to him, sat on the cool, draughty floor, taking one of his limp, damp hands in hers. "You know, little boy, if you really were a little boy, I could smack you and put you to bed for being such a worry. Didn't your mother ever stop you worrying for things when you were a kiddy? If I ever wanted things father made me go without them on principle."

Now, I don't want to worry you, but there are one or two points which I must ask you to clear up. In the first place did you ever see this before?" From his pocket he took out the little figure of Bâst, the cat-goddess, and held it up before Morris. The man stared at it with lack-luster eyes, scratching his unshaven chin; then he shook his head slowly. "Never," he declared.

"Can you not send for a neighbour, Miss Webster, or some one to attend to your household, and to nurse you too. If you worry yourself in this way you will be quite ill." Poor Miss Webster was ill, she knew it; and having neither neighbour nor friend within reach, she did what was very natural in her case, she took up her handkerchief and began to cry.

Now if it were a play, it would be different. New York does make or break a play; but it doesn't make or break a book; it doesn't make or break a magazine. The great mass of the readers are outside of New York, and the rural districts are what we have got to go for. They don't read much in New York; they write, and talk about what they've written. Don't you worry."

Dearie will be found some day " "Some day," snarled Gatewood, "I shall destroy you, Tommy." "Naughty! Naughty!" reflected Kerns, pensively assaulting the breakfast food. "Lovey must not worry; Dovey shall be found, and all will be joy and gingerbread. . . . If you throw that orange I'll run screaming to the governors. Aren't you ashamed just because you're in a love tantrum!"

I never worry about things, Jack, because I've noticed that the things people worry about never happen." "Well, if I were you, then," said the other, emphasizing his point with the spoon, "I should just worry as much as I could about it. I'd get up worrying and I'd go to bed worrying. I'd worry about it in my sleep." "I shall come out of it all right," said Flower. "I rather enjoy it.