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"There is nothing," he answered, "though if there were I know you would do it gladly and entirely. I have bestowed all my worldly possessions on the one man besides yourself to whom I owe a debt of gratitude John Westonhaugh. Had I known you less well, I would have made you a sharer in my forsaken wealth. Only this I beg of you. Take this gem and keep it always for my sake.

Two children have certainly got symptoms of ague, and you have a wretched cold and cough, half our worldly possessions are more or less damaged by the rain, and should it return, where are we to look for shelter, what can we do to preserve the goods left us?" Madame.

It is one of the earliest steps of worldly pride, which has before it a long and tedious ladder of ascent.

Some are terribly sophisticated in worldly ways and some so green, of course, that the wags have frequent chances to keep their wits on edge.

She had long earned her bread by callings that brought her in contact with all classes, and had learned to know the world very thoroughly without becoming worldly or hardened. But she had a quick, sharp tongue, and could pay anybody off in his own coin with interest. Everybody soon found it to his advantage to keep on the right side of Mrs.

The practical is a very good thing in its way if it only be not another name for the worldly. To be absorbed in it is to eat of that insane root which the soldiers of Antonius found in their retreat from Parthia which whoso tasted kept gathering sticks and stones as if they were some great matter till he died.

I believe, if we were more earnest in bringing offerings into the house of the Lord if each one of us was more diligent in contributing his share, and doing his part of the Lord's business, we should have less anxiety about worldly things; we should have faith in the Lord's providence, and, not only spiritually, but naturally also, we should have "enough to eat and plenty left."

Yet his destiny was to serve her. He had his destiny, and she hers. And hers was not a great worldly position, or any ultimate respectability. She could not have the first, and so she would not have the second. Perhaps she was born for other things born to be a votary of Venus, but not to content any man as his lawful wife. The very word "lawful" sent a chill through her blood now.

It was inspiriting, the mere fact that he had determined upon a course of action, and Constans immediately began his preparations for departure. It did not take long to put together his worldly wealth the four books, the binoculars, the pistol, and the chief of his other possessions; now he had everything compactly stowed away in a shoulder pack and was ready for the journey.

As to what we might each gain or each lose in a worldly point of view, either by marrying or not marrying, I will not say a word. You have rank and wealth, and therefore I can comfort myself by thinking that if I dissuade you from this marriage I shall rob you of neither. I acknowledge that I wish to dissuade you, as I believe that we should not make each other happy.