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The preacher would say 'Pull down de line and let de spirit be a witnes, workin' fer faith in de future frum on high. "I seed de patyrollers every week. If de niggers didn' get a pass in han' right frum one plan'ation to 'nother, dem patyrollers would git you. Dey would be six an' twelve in a drove, an' day would git you if you didn' have dat piece of paper. No sun could go down on a pass.

"Go on, Sol. Talk as much as you please. We've all night before us." "Which is good. Ez I said, hunger has laid hold o' ev'ry inch o' me, an' is workin' mighty fast. When I git into that state I'm plum' distracted on the question o' food, though it makes me smarter an' more keerful than ever on the ways to git it.

"On the other hand, your daughter is well fixed. Her husband is a rich man, ez measured by the standards of our people. It's probable that she'll always be well and amply provided fur. Moreover, she's young, and you, ma'am, will some day come to the time when you won't be able to go on workin' with your hands ez you now do.

The buildin' of the branch line South has brought a lot of Irish here they're all Democrats and there's quite a number of Mugwumps, an' if this Professor goes about workin' them all up what with the flannel-mouths and the rest it might be a close finish. I'm sure to win, but if I could get some information about him, it would help me. His father's all right. We've got him down to a fine point.

Sadie Peel turned on the foreman coquettishly and said, "You'd better go an' talk to Mamie Brady, she's got on a new blue bow on her red hair. Why don't you give her some better work than tying those old shoes? Here she's been workin' in this shop two years. You needn't come shinin' round Ellen an' me! We don't want you." Flynn colored angrily and shot a vicious glance at the girl.

"I suppose so," snapped California John. "To hell with such a game. I think I'll go over Goldfield way." "No, you won't," said Thorne gently. "You'll stay here, in the Service." "What!" cried the old man rising to his feet; "stay here in the Service! And every mountain man to point me out as that old fool Davidson who got fired after workin' nine years like a damn ijit. You talk foolish!"

My father was a real man. He lived, and he died like a man. This is a man's country. I am going to stay." Hedin had expected an outburst of temper, and had steeled himself to withstand it. Instead, Old John McNabb nodded slowly as he continued to puff at his pipe. "So ye're tired of workin' for me. Ye want to quit " "It isn't that. I would rather work for you than any man I ever knew.

"I'm a-goin' right thair," answered Levin, much relieved. "You must be a Yankee, or some other furriner, sir." "No, hobb! I'm workin' my lay back to Delaware from Norfolk, by pungy to Somers's cove. Show me to the tavern and I'll sluice your gob. I'll treat you to swig."

"I ain't askin' nobody to give me nothin'," he said brusquely. "Yes, you be. You're asking Bailey for a job. It's all right to ask for something you mean to pay for, and you'll pay for your job by workin'. That there rig you can pay for out of your wages. I was always intending to do something for you only you didn't stay. I reckon I'm kind o' slow. 'Most everybody is in Concho.

"You swing these sheep north!" he commanded, disdaining preface or explanation. "I'm workin' for the man that pays my wages," the herder made answer stolidly, and chewed steadily upon a quid of tobacco that had stained his lips unbecomingly. So they had talked the thing over had those two herders and were following a premeditated plan of defiance! Andy hooked at the man a minute.