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These boys had caught the spirit of loyalty from the men who worked at Burnham Breaker, and not even so great a temptation as this could keep them from the path of duty.

I feel like a big spoiled kid beside you! I've always had all the money I could spend, and you, you game little thing, you've grubbed and worked and made things do!" "I never had any ambition as high as marrying YOU," Julia said, with the mysterious little smile that at once baffled and enchanted him.

While the court was at Saint-Cloud, the Emperor, who had worked very late one evening with Monsieur de Talleyrand, invited the latter to sleep at the chateau; but the prince, who preferred returning to Paris, refused, giving as an excuse that the beds had a very disagreeable odor.

Her part was, however, soon swallowed up in the general business, and while there was a tacit agreement, voiced at long intervals, that she had put something into the business, her part never increased, though the man with whom she worked grew well-to-do.

Penrod worked systematically; he hung the twelve stockings over the sides of the wheelbarrow, and placed the wheelbarrow beside a large packing-box that was half full of excelsior. One after another, he stuffed the stockings with excelsior, till they looked like twelve long black sausages.

'He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much. So let us see to two things first, that all our religion is worked into our life, for only so much of it as is so inwrought is our religion and, second, that all our life is brought under the sway of motives derived from our religion: for only in proportion as it is, will it be pure and good.

Doctor Bliven and his companion I had worked out a pretty clear understanding of their case by this time were settling in the new West and leaving their past behind them. Who could have anything to say against it if I took this girl with me to my farm, cared for her, protected her; and gave her the home that nobody else seemed ready to give? "Do you ever go to church?" asked Virginia.

Now, to see a little fellow sobbing with disappointment, deprived of something his heart was set on and which he had worked hard to get, is enough to arouse a feeling of sympathy in any normal and kindly person. You feel sorry for Harry and you'd like to do something for him.

My teacher generally played two concertos on the piano by Wolff or Emanuel Bach, a member of the town band struggled with Stamitz, while the receiver of excise duties worked away hard at the flute, and took in such an immense supply of breath that he blew out both lights on his music-stand, and always had to have them relighted again.

Tully would know right off that a man could have no respectable reason for borrowing five dollars on Thursday. There remained old Metzeger who worked silently all day over a set of giant ledgers, interminably beautifying their pages with his meticulous figures.