United States or Suriname ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Every body seems to be wondering what they are, and what they are going to amount to. We took leave of our kind host and his family, gratefully impressed with the simplicity and sincere cordiality of our reception.

One box held a pair of jet sleeve-buttons; the other, a small locket of shining jet, with a ribbon drawn through its ring, all ready for wear. She was still wondering over these discoveries, when a little tap sounded on the door, followed immediately by the appearance of Mrs. Joyce. "I just came to see if you had all you wanted," she said. "Oh, you have found those little duds.

And the far-off roar of the rumbling streets reached his ear, inspiring him freshly with hope and action. All the family were at breakfast, except Hattie, the sick one, when Frank came down stairs. Even Willie had crept out of bed before him, wondering what made his brother sleep so long that morning.

But masques, where there is so little to learn by rote, a great consideration, where music and song are so exquisitely introduced, where there is such an admirable opportunity for brilliant costume, and where the scene may be beautiful without change such an important point I cannot help wondering that this national diversion is not revived.

So that's how things stood on this particular morning, and I was feeling kind of manly and independent. Well, I was in the bathroom, wondering what there was going to be for breakfast while I massaged the good old spine with a rough towel and sang slightly, when there was a tap at the door. I stopped singing and opened the door an inch. "What ho without there!"

Thurston's mind came back from wondering how Mona Stevens' mouth looked when she was pleased with one, and he nodded. "Well, there's a lot in this country that ain't ever been wrote about, I guess; at least if it was I never read it, and I read considerable. But the trouble is, them that know ain't in the writing business, and them that write don't know.

While the chief entered his friends came up. Murray and Graham, struck with sounds never breathed over the vulgar dead, lingered at the porch wondering what noble Scot could be the subject of lamentation in so lowly an abode. The stopping of these two chieftains impeded the steps of Wallace, who was pressing forward, without eye or ear for anything but the object of his search.

He was too proud to let his captors see his real distress; but his acting did not deceive me. We had reached the market-place, and I was wondering at the absence of the soldiers, when José suddenly appeared, coming from the governor's house. On seeing us, he approached, saying, "You have been a long time. I began to think you had missed your way."

They had also won over a good many of the coast natives to see things in the light they did. "I and about eight other men remained on board, so did our young gentleman passenger. We waited for some two hours or more, wondering why the captain and the rest were so long in returning, when at last the boats appeared loaded to the gunnel with thirty blacks or more in them.

Where the noise came from, I could not tell, but I heard my companion calling to me to come back. I obeyed him, and found him standing where I had left him. "You called me, master?" "Yes, I did; take my hand, and lead me to the cabin." I obeyed him, wondering why he asked me so to do. He gained his bed-place, and threw himself down on it. "Bring the kid full of water," said he "quick!"