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But when we began to wind in and out among the tall round hills to the south of the city a nervousness came upon me, and I kept wondering what could be wanted of me. By the time we reached the house on Washington Street I could scarcely sit still. Father was standing in the door to welcome me. I fairly flew up the steps. "What is the matter?" I asked, almost before I hugged him.

And sometimes one cannot help regretfully wondering whether, if he who dealt so admirably with such interests as were open to him had had more and wider ones to deal with, we should not have had still more varied and still more delightful letters, and he would have escaped the terrible fate that fell on him.

So men say that he cannot rest in his grave, not having made even so tardy a reparation, and never will rest unless the treasure is found and spent upon the poor. I thought much over what Mr. Glennie had said and fell to wondering where Blackbeard could have hid his diamond, and whether I might not find it some day and make myself a rich man.

"You've been in the wars, too, I see," said Peter, bending forward a little, and looking at the stranger's feet. "By God! Both of them! And right through! You must have had a bad time of it?" "It was very long ago," said the stranger. Peter Halket threw two more logs on the fire. "Do you know," he said, "I've been wondering ever since you came, who it was you reminded me of. It's my mother!

The noise irritated him sorely he could not tell why. Soon it ceased, and he wondered why the waggon should have stopped where it did. A few minutes afterwards he heard the sound of approaching footsteps, so he paused in his undressing, wondering irritably who was coming to disturb him. Then he heard a light tap at the front door. Taking a candle, he went to the door and opened it.

They waited for their visitor to follow. A minute, two minutes passed, and then somebody walked down the steps to the light. It was a woman, and as she turned her face the colonel gasped. "Maisie White!" he said in a wondering voice. "What the devil is she doing here?" Maisie White had taken up her abode in a modest flat in Doughty Street, Bloomsbury.

"Oh, dear!" exclaimed Elizabeth. "I should think we did give him a ducking!" "I'm awfully sorry, but but we couldn't help it," said Cora, standing up and looking at the young man. He approached closer, began wading out into the pond toward the auto. The water was not very deep, hardly up to his knees. Cora found herself wondering how he had managed to fish in it.

She drops her book on her knee and lapses into a wondering mood, when a step breaks her revery. Eugene is flushed and angry, yet it does not make him the less handsome, though it is very different from his usual indolent ease. "What is the matter?" she asks, for form's sake, for she almost knows.

Trussit and his aunt were furtively watching him. He never caught them in anything tangible but he knew that, when his back was turned, their eyes followed him questioning, wondering. Something must be done or he could not answer for his control. If he were not to return to Dawson's, what then?

"Very well," said Paul, walking on till he reached a piece of woods; then, turning from the path, he made his way towards the river again, wondering at his escape. He had a long walk through the woods, but when he reached the gunboats lying in the stream, how his heart leaped for joy!