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His manner was courteous, not domineering, and I wondered who the able, high-bred gentleman might be, for he carried all that in his air as he passed along the street. It was the illustrious Helmholtz, then in his best years, with great achievements behind him and before. His researches in many fields were profound and far extending.

Avory, who knew quite well what was said of her, ate her cold mutton for supper, and economized in coals in the winter, and paid her little weekly bills, and wondered sometimes what was the use of trying to be good when so few people believed in goodness. Toffy came to see her every Sunday when he was in London; or, if he did not do so, Mrs.

Once when she had given him a raking over for the temper he displayed toward me in her presence, he had said: "You know I couldn't get angry at you, no matter what you said; I owe you too much." I had wondered at the time what it was that my husband "owed" Mrs. Underwood. The riddle was solved for me at last. I am not an impetuous woman, and I do not know how I ever mustered up courage to do it.

She wondered what books he would tell her to take up to her own room, and recalled the famous writers that she had either not looked into or had found the most unreadable, with a half-smiling wish that she could mischievously ask Deronda if they were not the books called "medicine for the mind."

Never until now had I realised how hard is the way of the transgressor. I have often wondered how this terrible night would have ended had not Providence suddenly intervened. The city hall clock had just tolled five when there came a volley of shots from the direction of Monument Avenue. "What's that?" cried my poor friend, his haggard face lighting.

Minutes passed, but her lips did not move; her eyes were fixed on the panes and her look was so enraptured that he began to wonder if Paradise were being revealed to her. And while the priest wondered, Biddy listened to music inconceivably tender.

I wondered what he could do when he brought the motion of his body into play. "Bub, what might be the pitcher's name?" I asked of a boy. "Huh, mister, his name might be Dennis, but it ain't. Huh!" replied this country youngster. Evidently my question had thrown some implication upon this particular player. "I reckon you be a stranger in these parts," said a pleasant old fellow.

Lord Hubert had promised his help, with the readiness on which she could always count: it was his only way of ever reminding her that he had once been ready to do so much more for her. Her path, in short, seemed to smooth itself before her as she advanced; yet the faint stir of uneasiness persisted. Had it been produced, she wondered, by her chance meeting with Selden?

He shook his hand toward the inky sky, toward the palace, toward all that signified the past..... A hundred thousand crowns! Maurice, as he labored before his mirror, wondered why in the world it took him so long to dress. An hour had passed since he began his evening toilet; yet here he was, still tinkering, so to speak, over the last of a dozen cravats.

Perhaps this had annoyed her, especially as no white man seemed to have come her way for a long while and the fabulous Kallikrates had not put in his promised appearance. Also it was unfortunate that in one way or another how did she do it, I wondered she had interpreted Umslopogaas' question to me about marrying her, and my compromising reply.