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Some old people especially women so age-worn and woeful are they, seem never to have been young and gay. It is easier to conceive that such gloomy phantoms were sent into the world as withered and decrepit as we behold them now, with sympathies only for pain and grief, to watch at death-beds and weep at funerals.

Whilst the fiery spirit scorched down the hardened throats, strange, weird groans came from the fiddler's woeful instrument. The old man was tuning it down for the plaintive requirements of the Red River Jig. The dance of the evening was about to begin. Men and women primed themselves for the effort. Each was eager to outdo his or her neighbor in variety of steps and power of endurance.

The O'Connors, of Castle Connor, were an ancient Irish family. The name recurs frequently in our history, and is generally to be found in a prominent place whenever periods of tumult or of peril called forth the courage and the enterprise of this country. After the accession of William III., the storm of confiscation which swept over the land made woeful havoc in their broad domains.

"O, Prudy, this world is nothing but one big bubble!" And Prudy replied, sadly, "Seems more like shavings!" You all know how an innocent-looking fire-cracker set Portland ablaze, but you can have little idea of the terror which that woeful Fourth of July night brought to our three little girls.

Anna felt the deepest sympathy for her darling nursling, Miss Rose; for it was natural, warming-to-the-heart, that a young girl should feel miserable about a young man. In fact, Rose's lack of interest in marriage and in the domesticities had disturbed and puzzled good old Anna, and to her mind had been a woeful lack in the girl.

On feeling round him he soon discovered that he was in a dismal dungeon, and on listening he discovered that the sounds he heard were the woeful complaints of prisoners. "What place is this, and who are ye that bewail so bitterly?" asked Arthur. "We are twenty knights that have long been held prisoners here, some for seven years and some for less." "For what cause?" inquired Arthur.

There he stood, looking down once more at the numerous irregular roofs, the many stacks of chimneys below him, seeking out that which had once been his own dwelling who dwelt there now? The yellower gleams grew narrower; the evening shadows broader, and Philip crept down the lane a weary, woeful man.

The detective was absorbed in the letter he was writing to such a degree that he had never even heard the journalist enter. At the sound of his voice Juve started. "What! You! I thought you had flown yesterday, flown South!" Fandor smiled a woeful smile. "I did expect to get away yesterday evening. Juve, in my calling, as in yours, it is the height of stupidity to make plans. You see!

The Catholic clergy, by supporting these fabulous doctrines and pious lies, lead their flock into the baleful habit of believing things the most absurd and destitute of proof. The day after Miss V 's funeral, everybody in the parish was talking of the woeful cries which had been heard the night before near her grave.

Only think," she proceeded, with a fresh burst of sorrow, "oh, only think, father, of sich a woman bein' forced to this!" "May the Lord pity her an' them, this woeful day!" exclaimed Sullivan.