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Einstein, we are glad to say, has pulled out the very axle pin. At least that is how the vulgar mind understands it. The equation formula doesn't count. So now, the universe, according to the popular mind, can wobble about without being pinned down. Really, an anarchical conclusion. But the Jewish mind insidiously drives us to anarchical conclusions.

It seems the leaflet was addressed "To those about to wobble" I wasn't responsible for the silly title of the thing and the woman never recovered; anyway, the voter was completely won over by the grapes and jellies, and I think that should have balanced matters.

At this interesting juncture the bust began to wobble about again, and I saw and heard no more till I woke next morning, and found Mrs Hudson mopping my forehead with something, and saying, "There now, Master Freddy, lie quite still, there's a good boy." "What's the matter?" said I, putting up my hand to the place she was washing. It was something like a bump!

I tried to go to him, telling myself that it was only a sheep after all, but I could not. But directly he turned towards me I felt dreadfully sorry for him. Sometimes I used to think that this dreadful face which wobbled from right to left was reproaching me. Then something seemed to wobble inside my head, and I felt as though I were going mad.

"The only piano I will ever sit at will be one firmly fixed on a floor that does not heave and wobble under me." "Nonsense! The boat's as steady as a rock now. The sea's like a mill-pond." "Nevertheless, thanking you for your suggestion, no!" "Oh, well, then I shall have to get on as best I can with that fellow Mortimer.

"Nope it's too little and too high in the air it'll wobble," he declared. "But we can coon it over!" Austin urged. "We can grab hold of a limb over there and slide down it's easy come on!" Before he could make further objection, the young adventurer quickly straddled the swaying pole, and, with the agility of a cat, hopped across, grasped one of the limbs and slipped to the sand.

We get the popcorn at the pavilion, put up in attractive little bags, and it is always crisp and delicious. Just imagine a long open car full of people, each man, woman, and child greedily munching the tender corn! By the time one bag full has been eaten, heads begin to wobble, and soon there is a "Land of Nod" real nod, too.

So, instead of executing a 'wobble' of the first magnitude, he proceeded to clinch matters by writing first to his father, then to a Calcutta firm of jewellers for a selection of rings. But he wavered badly over facing the ordeal of wholesale congratulations the chaff of the men, the reiterate inanities of the women.

"Nobody else can do it," said Jimmy arrogantly. "It's all very well; but if you don't burst your head open you'll get neuritis, or cramp. Look at that hand." "Which hand?" "Your right hand, silly." She took it and poised it from the wrist. "Look how it wobbles." He looked. "It does wobble a bit. Like a drunkard's. And I don't drink." He was interested in his hand.

"A fifty-thousand-dollar a year man," supplied Edmonds. "Well, getting toward that figure. I'm on the target with the editorials and I'm going to hold on it. But our news policy is different. We still wobble there." "What do you want! Look at the circulation. Isn't that good enough?" "No.