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One or two of the ladies present were wives of high officials at Manilla, and all of them were persons of the best character and standing, yet they did not appear in the least discomposed by her presence, although none of them paid her any attention, or noticed her as the lady of the house; in fact, she appeared to be regarded by them as a sort of privileged housekeeper more than in any other light, although they were perfectly aware of the irregularity of her life.

At any rate, she eventually married Mr. Robert Green and made him a very sensible wife. The Malkiels returned to the Mouse, where they still live, and still carry on a certain amount of intercourse with architects and their wives.

"Not at all strange, you ridiculous child! Two of the most dearly-loved wives I ever knew were invalids, and bedridden, not for weeks only, but for years. You can best show your gratitude for his affection and kindness by getting better rapidly while he is here, that he may leave you with a lighter heart."

It will be safer to let them go home as usual. If we locked them all up in the dockyard till the Intrepid and Terrific were both safe away, there would be no end of curiosity and gossip. What so very special, people would ask, could be going on in the yard that no one was allowed out for two days. I don't want wives and families and neighbours to come smelling round those dockyard gates.

"No nuts that way." "He knows, begging your pardon, sir," said Billy. "You just wait a minute, sir, and you'll see." "No," said the major, "it does not seem any use to wait. Come, Strong, let's see how our wives are getting on." "Well, I do call that shabby," muttered Billy. "Just as I was a taking all this trouble. Here, you, sir, shy down one o' them nuts." "Chick!" said Jack. "Do you hear?"

It is from your lips, then, that our Governments must learn the opinions of the two nations. It is clear enough that the English Government has no idea of allowing us to remain independent it expresses surprise that we even dare to speak of such a thing. "You have now to report upon the condition of the country, and upon the circumstances in which your wives and children are placed.

But the peace of an ordinary drawing-room was a bank holiday compared with the Walkingshaws'. Not too much gas was burned, or too much coal, since money is not made and well-born wives secured by waste of fuel. That leads to mere cheerfulness.

The excitement which this dance produces in the savage is very remarkable. However listless the individual may be, lying perhaps, as usual, half asleep, set him to this, and he is fired with sudden energy, every nerve is strung to such a degree, that he is hardly to be known as the same person, while the corrobory continues. Peerat and his Wives.

St Louis, unlike an Englishman, decided not with a view to peace as though justice were nothing and right an old wives' tale, but according to law and his conscience, honestly and cleanly before God like an intelligent being. Of two things one, either the King was right or he was wrong. St Louis decided that the King was right, and this upon January 23rd, 1264.

They have wood so hard, that they cut with it, and make their swords of it, and their grills of it to broil their meat. Their beds are of cotton, hung swinging from the roof, like our seamen's hammocks, every man his own, for the wives lie apart from their husbands.