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George scooped up a quantity of water in a leathern cup, and ran with it to his choking sire, who, holding the rod tight with both hands, turned his head aside and stretched over his left arm, still, however, keeping his eyes fixed on the line. "Here, up with't lips." The lips were projected, and George raised the cup to them, but the salmon moved at the moment, and the draught was postponed.

Grandma went through the list of "periodventures," depicting Abraham's growing fear and obsequiousness in the most tragic manner until she got to the hypothetical ten. "And Abraham said; 'O Lord, I know you won't like it this time, but I've gone so fur now, that I'm going to out with't; and don't don't git put out, O Lord! and I won't put it one mite lower.

The following letter from Carlyle was written in acknowledgment of an early copy of the book, of which the preface is dated Christmas, 1865. "20 Decr, 1865. "The 'Ethics of the Dust, wh'h I devoured with't pause, and intend to look at ag'n, is a most shining Performance! Never was such a lecture on Crystallography before, had there been nothing else in it, and there are all manner of things.

After constructing the fort "with't the least assistance from South Carolina," Major Lewis happened by accident upon a grand council being held in Echota in September. At that time he discovered to his great alarm that the machinations of the French had already produced the greatest imaginable change in the sentiment of the Cherokees.

For Antisthenes, seeing the Athenians all in a tumult in the theatre, and justly, upon the pronunciation of this verse, presently subjoined this corrective, What's wrong is so, believe men what they will. And Cleanthes, hearing this passage concerning wealth: presently altered it thus: Great disadvantage oft attends on wealth; We purchase whores with't and destroy our health.

Grimes. How does your worshipp? Mr. Steward, dee feele your selfe at ease? I am hartely sorry for your misfortune? Lov. Misfortune? ha, what misfortune? now heaven and't be thy will Grimes. Pray heaven they be alive. Lov. Ha, alive? in the name of drinke what have I don? where did you find me, ha? Grimes. Why, sir, comming out umh, umh Lov. Out with't, man. Grimes. Out of a bad-house, sir. Lov.

"Now a plague take all created things, Lady Kitty!" cried Mary Connynge, petulantly flinging down a silken pattern over which she had pretended to be engaged. "There are devils in the skeins to-day. I'll try no more with't." "Fie! For shame, Mary Connynge," replied Lady Catharine Knollys, reprovingly. "So far from better temperance of speech, didst ever hear of the virtue of perseverance?

If the ill spirit have so fair a house, Good things will strive to dwell with't. One of the pleasantest rooms at Hollywell was Mrs.

This hope was based upon Lyttelton's recognition, as stated in Dinwiddie's words, of the "Necessity of strict Union between the whole Colonies, with't any of them considering their particular Interest separate from the general Good of the whole."