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One side only of the note-paper was covered. In formal phrase, the writer said that she was glad to hear of her friend's engagement, and wished her all happiness. Not a word about their future meeting; not an allusion to Lashmar's prospects. If Iris had announced her coming marriage with some poor clerk, Mrs. Toplady could not have written less effusively.

It is not just what I could have wished for you, ma petite, but I have no choice, as it happens; and if ever you are dull or unhappy there, you will not blame me, or think I was unkind in sending you, will you, my child? for indeed I could not help it, and you will be a good little girl, I know. By-and-by, as I said, perhaps you will marry I cannot arrange all these matters beforehand.

I merely replied that nobody in Germany wished for the war, especially not your Majesty, and that no German Government would have considered the Spanish question of so much interest as to be worth a war.

An imaginary illustration will best aid us in seeing the difficulty of the case; we may suppose that a fancier wished to make a breed of pigeons, in which the males alone should be coloured of a pale blue, whilst the females retained their former slaty tint.

It is not that I have been proud. What is there that I can be proud of except my uncle's trust in me? But George Voss had come to me before, and had made me promise that I would love him; and I do love him. How can I help it, if I wished to help it? O, M. Urmand, can you not be generous?

The letter contained only these words: "I send you all I have to leave my daughter. I meant to bring them myself this year. I wished to kiss your hands and hers once more. But I am dying. Farewell." After these jewels were in her possession, Senora Ortegna rested not till she had persuaded Senora Moreno to journey to Monterey, and had put the box into her keeping as a sacred trust.

As soon as the sultaness was dressed, she went to the princess's apartment, who was still in bed. She undrew the curtain, wished her good morrow, and kissed her.

She immediately informed one of the domestics that she wished to speak with his Majesty upon important business. "I cannot take your name into his Majesty, but if you will give it me, I will speak to Lord Albemarle." The widow wrote her name down upon a slip of paper; with which the servant went away, and then the widow sat down upon a bench in the hall, and cooled herself with her fan.

About eighteen months ago she saw it right no longer to have money for herself in the Savings’ Bank, and she therefore, in her heart, gave the money which she had there to the Orphan-Houses, intending to draw it in a time of need. When she found out the present need, she went this day week to the Savings’ Bank, and gave notice that she wished to draw her money today.

He said to me, 'Sit down, my son, I want to talk to you. I know your father in Albany. You are Senator Whipple's son. I said to him, 'No, sir, I am not Senator Whipple's son. I am no relation of his. If the bishop had wished to talk to me after that, Mrs. Brice, he might have made my life a little easier a little sweeter. I know that they are not all like that.