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The Kaiser wished to show me how foolish it would be for the little Balkan state to join the Allies, and for that reason, had me shown through the German naval fortifications. That information, too, I am carrying back with me." "But why didn't you tell us who you were in Bremen, sir?" "I don't know. At first I guess because I wanted to surprise you both when you did learn who I was."

He wished to attack at daybreak, and with ten arquebusiers and his Indian guide he set out to reconnoitre. Night closed upon him. It was a vain task to struggle on, in pitchy darkness, among trunks of trees, fallen logs, tangled vines, and swollen streams. Gourgues returned, anxious and gloomy.

"If you must know, I mean, if you care to know, please," she said at length, "the most interesting person I ever met was yes, I suppose he was a wicked man." Her curious, sharp-featured, yet attractive, face was hot all over as she finished. Catherine divined at once that she was speaking of the person who, according to Mrs. Ardagh, had wished "to lead her to the devil."

Time after time the words he wished to speak rose to his lips, for the longing to make her his confidante over the Jacobite difficulty was intense. But somehow at the critical moments he either shrank from fear of causing her trouble and anxiety, or else felt that he ought not to run the risk of bringing Andrew into trouble after what had passed.

Very often indeed, when he felt incompetent to do for his child all that he wished philosophers are often stupid in human affairs he thought it was a blessing Zoe had a friend like M. Fille.

From the happy and prosperous in all but health, she would occasionally beg off, when some one less happy and more friendless wished for her; and sometimes she would ask for a little money from Mr Benson to give to such in their time of need. But it was astonishing how much she was able to do without money. Her ways were very quiet; she never spoke much.

Sobered by responsibility and by the influence of moderate advisers, he rather quickly adopted Lincoln's policy. Johnson at first set his face against the movements toward reconstruction by the state governments already organized and by those people who wished to organize new governments on Lincoln's ten percent plan.

She must be altered! She was never fond of children, but she was too indolent to be severe. Was not that your experience of her when you were a child?" "Yes," said Enid, but too hesitatingly to give Hubert all the assurance that he wished for "yes; she did not take much trouble about what I did. It is different with her own child."

The Barrier had come into contact with the cliffs and, from where we viewed it, it looked as if icebergs had fallen into a tremendous cavern and lay jumbled together in wild disorder. Looking down into that wonderful picture one realized a little the 'eternalness' of things. "We had not long to wait, and, much as we wished to go ahead, had to turn back. I went into a small crevasse; no damage.

Were they done for already? For a long time no sound, far or near. Sárvölgyi looked and listened in restless impatience. He wished to pierce the night with his eyes, he wished to hear voices through this numbing stillness. He put his ear to the opening in the iron shutter. Some one knocked at the shutter from without. Startled, he looked out.