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This queer thing had come to her in the middle of lunch and had made her heart suddenly begin to race. If she had been given to self analysis, which she was not, she might have told herself that she had received a wireless message from some one as lonely as herself, who had sent out the S.O.S. call in the hope of its being picked up and answered.

Those of the people who prefer, still inhabit their caves, but many are building houses similar to ours. At Greenwich we have located a town and an observatory though there is nothing to observe but the stationary sun directly overhead. Upon the edge of the Land of Awful Shadow is another observatory, from which the time is flashed by wireless to every corner of the empire twenty-four times a day.

The place doesn't seem to have a single industry of its own; but then, as I said elsewhere, there is hardly an established industry in the Protectorate. There is one thing about Windhuk that grips your attention and holds it in no uncertain manner, too. One of the great objectives of the South-West campaign was to secure the Windhuk wireless station.

It seemed extremely probable; in such event these Germans would have been notified instantly by wireless from the New York bureau of their country's Secret Service; whereas, Captain Osborne, receiving the same advice by wireless, might reasonably have kept it quiet lest the news stir to more formidable activity those agents of the Wilhelmstrasse whose presence among the passengers he must at least have strongly suspected.

"We had better put away our biplanes, and haul down our wireless outfit," suggested Captain Grantly. "Allow me to assign some of the cadets to help you," suggested the colonel, and this offer being accepted, Dick, to his delight, was one of those detailed, as were Innis and Paul.

I have fought fire in the forest. I have spent weeks in the mountains. And I am a wireless operator, sir. Are any of your patrols better qualified?" The forester looked at him with renewed interest. "As a patrol," he remarked, "you would have to deal with grown men. You would find yourself in many situations that you could not handle. Grown men do not like to take orders from boys."

The simplest kind of a wireless telegraph transmitter consists of: a source of direct or alternating current, a telegraph key, a spark-coil or a transformer, a spark gap, an adjustable condenser and an oscillation transformer.

If you could only work that wireless messages are coming in all the time the last three days " "I can," said Beany. "Then you will get some news sure. Do you speak German?" "No," said Beany hopelessly. "I do," said Hen. "All right," said the Weasel feebly. "Remember, if he man is there, shoot to kill shoot to kill!" "I'd like to get the police," said Beany. "They are sort of used to this."

The cables and the wireless will render me available for any counsel or service you may desire of me, and I shall be happy in the thought that I am constantly in touch with the weighty matters of domestic policy with which we shall have to deal.

After receiving this information, Curlie had gone directly to the wireless cabin. He was more anxious than he was willing to admit for the safety of his two charges, the millionaire's children; for Curlie did think of them as his charges. He was used to taking burdens on his own shoulders. It had always been his way.