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The appearance on the scene of the Earl of Valletort and Count Ladislas Vassilan at a moment which, though undeniably critical, might be described as either opportune or inopportune the choice of an adjective depending solely on the varying points of view of the one who gave and the one who received that powerful thump on the nose was due to no feat of skill on the part of the engine-room staff of the Switzerland, but to a judicious combination of wireless telegraphy, money, and influence.

Told him he'd better quit and go ashore with pilot; that I had bank roll choke hippopotamus. Your wireless handed him that moment! Would hesitate repeat his language. Have agreed pay him for his first-class ticket. All first-class cabins sold out; had to have it for Matilda. Steerage an awful place for a skipper, but will have to make the best of it. Mr.

It was further remarked that he seemed more at ease when Callao was left well behind, although he sat smoking side by side with the operator in the wireless room until the Trunella had steamed many miles southward on her long journey towards the Straits of Magellan.

Adam delivered the first wireless when on awakening in the Garden of Eden he discovered Eve and addressed her in the vernacular of Paradise in that famous sentence which translated in English reads both ways the same, "Madam, I'm Adam."

If they are men, they exult in the thought that they can be reached by wireless telegraphy on mid-ocean. We are apt to think of these men and women as painful products of our own time and of our own land; but they have probably existed since the building of the Tower of Babel, a nerve-racking piece of work which gave peculiar scope to strenuous and impotent energies.

He made for New York, and went straight to the shipowner's offices. These were situated at the very beginning of Broadway, overlooking Battery Park, on the tip of the tongue of Manhattan Island. Inside, they were very much on the same lines of the London offices in fact, the latter were modelled on them. Above the dome of the building stretched the antennæ of Larssen's wireless.

All this Merton learned from Bude, when, long after luncheon time, our hero awoke suddenly, refreshed in body, but with the ghastly blank of misery and doubt before the eyes of his mind. 'I wired, said Bude, 'on the off chance that yesterday's storm might have deranged the wireless machine, and, by Jove, it is lucky I did.

"I'll send out at once," he said decisively, "and see if I can pick up any gossip of that reception. I've a very clever clerk with brothers in the bazaars who is a perfect wireless for information. He has told me the night before a man was to be murdered." He paused, reflecting that was not a happy suggestion. "Then I'll send out to Jack's diggings.

But there is a German submarine base on this island." The wireless seemed nervous as the next message came in. "What island?" "Island called Kaiserland. There are also a nest of pirates here. We've just captured the wireless room." "How long can you hold out?" "Indefinitely." "Good! I'll summon assistance and we'll search South American waters thoroughly. We'll find you sooner or later."

The flag lieutenant of the squadron rushed to the telephone leading to the wireless room, and ordered a message forwarded to all of the ships of the squadron to proceed at full speed. For safety's sake the order was repeated by means of flag signals. While from the bridge the officers were watching the gray phantoms of the strange armored fleet, it continued calmly on its course.