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Th' brokerage house iv Conem an' Comp'ny wint into th' hands iv a receiver to-day. Th' failure was due to th' refusal iv th' banks to lend anny more money on hat pools. Th' steeple iv th' Swedenborjan Church is undher repair. Th' Daily Fog Horn has put in three new color presses an' will begin printin' a colored supplement Sunday next. An' so it goes. It ain't a boat at all. It's a city.

In five minutes he came back with the dog-cart and the gray mare. His riverince got up, with the aid of a chair, the little gossoon climbed up behind, and the gravel flew as the gray mare started. They wint a matter of ten rods and then I saw the lamps again. They had turned, and they stopped before the porch the gray mare on her haunches.

"I wint up to the man in the veranda, manin', as sure as I sit, to knock the life out av him. He slipped into the open. 'Fwhat are you doin' philanderin' about here, ye scum av the gutter? sez I polite, to give him his warnin', for I wanted him ready. "He niver lifted his head, but sez, all mournful an' melancolius, as if he thought I wud be sorry for him: 'I can't find her, sez he.

'Sargint, put a sinthry over these two men. "The men wint back into the tents like jackals, an' the rest av the night there was no noise at all excipt the stip av the sinthry over the two, an' Scrub Greene blubberin' like a child. 'Twas a chilly night, an' faith, ut sobered Peg Barney.

"And what did Miss Margaret say to that?" "She said that all she wanted was to be left alone." "What else?" "Oi didn't hear anything more, as Oi wint to the ciller fer coal. By an' by Oi see Miss Margaret in the garden cryin'. Oi wanted to go to her, but Mrs. Langmore kim to the kitchen an' Oi had to attind to me wurruk." "How did Mrs. Langmore seem to appear when she came to the kitchen?"

Faith! that was the only time I mourned I was not a cav'lry-man for the pride av the spurs to jingle. 'I wint out to think, an' I did a powerful lot av thinkin', but ut all came round to that shlip av a girl in the dotted blue dhress, wid the blue eyes an' the sparkil in them. Thin I kept off canteen, an' I kept to the married quarthers, or near by, on the chanst av meetin' Dinah. Did I meet her?

I made feign to be far gone in dhrink, an', wan by wan, all my roomful came in wid Vulmea. I wint away, walkin' thick an' heavy, but not so thick an' heavy that any wan cud ha' tuk me. Sure and thrue, there was a kyartridge gone from my pouch an' lyin' snug in my rifle. I was hot wid rage against thim all, an' I worried the bullet out wid my teeth as fast as I cud, the room bein' empty.

''T is only four o'clock, says she, 'an' that grasshopper greenhorn can't wait for broad day till she go out an' see the whole of Ameriky. So I wint off to sleep again; the first bell was biginnin' on the mill, and I had an hour an' a piece, good, to meself after that before Mary Ann come scoldin'. I don't be sleepin' so well as some folks the first part of the night." Mr.

"Whin we marched into Peshawur, Dinah wint to barracks to wait for me, an' me feelin' so rich that tide, I wint on to take Love-o'- Women to hospital. It was the last I cud do, an' to save him the dust an' the smother I turned the doolie-men down a road well clear av the rest av the throops, an we wint along, me talkin' through the curtains. Av a sudden I heard him say: "'Let me look.

Thin we wint up to each other. 'A Happy New Year, says I. 'Th' same to you, says he, 'an' manny iv thim, he says. 'Ye have a brick in ye'er hand, says I. 'I was thinkin' iv givin' ye a New Year's gift, says he. 'Th' same to you, an' manny iv thim, says I, fondlin' me own ammunition. ''Tis even all around, says he.