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Of course I had heard of it; everybody had; but it had been some years before. "We're backwards hereabouts," O'Brien jeered. "But over there they winked and chuckled at the judge, and they do the same in Havana at us." Suddenly from behind us the voice of the young girl said, "Of what do you discourse, my English cousin?" O'Brien interposed deferentially.

'Parrot Cann, will you kindly favour me with a few minutes on the floor? It was the old cracked voice, flavoured with an ominous irony. Dick paused in the middle of a throw with a cocked ear and upturned eyes; Jacker Mack grinned all across his broad face and winked meaningly. They heard the shuffling of a pair of heavily shod feet, and then the voice again.

All night they rode under the starlit sky, and ten miles away they caught poor Reynard. Chad was in at the kill, with the Major and the General, and the General gave Chad the brush with his own hand. "Where did you learn to ride, boy?" "I never learned," said Chad, simply, whereat the Major winked at his friends and patted Chad on the shoulder.

Oh yes, you do know, sir, said Mrs Gamp, wiping her eye with her shawl, and resuming the thread of her discourse. 'There's something besides births and berryins in the newspapers, an't there, Mr Mould? Mr Mould winked at Mrs Mould, whom he had by this time taken on his knee, and said: 'No doubt. A good deal more, Mrs Gamp. Upon my life, Mrs Gamp is very far from bad, my dear!

"Don't tell me that you've been tormenting her again." "Certainly; we always do at the beginning of term, though we get tired of it after a while. We had verbs this morning with lots of r's in them accourir and servir and reconnaître so I winked to Althea and Maggie and we had a dandy time. It saves lots of work," she added reflectively.

Sun winked at him. Somehow it made him feel better. The fact is, Peter was beginning to feel just a wee, wee bit homesick. It is bad enough to be in a strange place alone, but to be sore and to smart and ache as Peter did makes that lonesome feeling a whole lot harder to bear.

The mainsail came smoothly down, the jib fluttered, and the sloop slid in beside a sturdy old wharf, projecting from a deep fringe of willows. No sign of life or habitation was visible. The youth made fast a hawser, the old man mounted painfully to the dock, and Indy stirred and rose. "I must have just winked asleep," she declared in consternation.

Wetherell, who by a stretch of imagination conceived that it expressed both astonishment and approval, although he was wholly at a loss to understand these sentiments. Mr. Bixby winked Mr. Wetherell was sure of that. But to his surprise, Bijah did not pause in his rounds to greet him. Mr. Wetherell was beginning to be decidedly uneasy, and was about to go upstairs, when Mr.

"Was it really you, Mr. Rabbit?" asked Sweetest Susan. Mr. Rabbit rubbed his mustache with the end of his pipe-stem. "Well, I'll tell you the truth. I was mighty foolish in my young days. But now all I want to do is to eat breakfast, and then wait until dinner is ready, and then sit and wait until supper is put on the table." Mrs. Meadows winked at the children and then turned to Mr. Rabbit.

The house sat high on three terraces of velvet-like grass, and was surmounted by stone steps in three instalments, each of which was flanked by stone lions. Annie mounted the three tiers of steps between the stone lions and rang the front-door bell, which was polished so brightly that it winked at her like a brazen eye.