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"So as to rest and sleep all we possibly can, for if all goes well we shan't have a wink to-night." "Perhaps you're right," said Denham. "There's one more thing to think about." "What's that?" "Our going off without leave," I said "you an officer, I a private." "Oh! I say, don't get raising up obstacles." "I don't want to," I said; "but this is serious."

"I hope he doesn't," said Wink. "We can do the trick without anyone's help, I guess. Besides, he'd want half the money we'll get." "More than half, probably," said Han. "He's still talking. I wish he'd run away smiling." He did finally. That is, he went off, but whether he was smiling they couldn't say.

They've gone down to shivaree the old Dutchwoman who married her step-daughter's sweetheart. They say she has got to pay a hundred dollars to the hospital before they stop." The couple retired, and Mrs. White slumbered. She was awakened by her husband snapping the lid of his watch. "What time?" she asked. "Half-past three. Patty, I haven't slept a wink. Those fellows are out yet.

The treacherous heart within her had surrendered, though the place was safe; and it was to win this that he had given a life's struggle and devotion; this, that she was ready to give away for the bribe of a coronet or a wink of the Prince's eye. When he had thought his thoughts out he shook up poor Frank from his sleep, who rose yawning, and said he had been dreaming of Clotilda.

'Riggs gone, and his ship gone, they'll say, and then others will wink and whisper: 'And you know the Kut Sang was ballasted with gold, and who's to know I never stole it?" "Gold!" I said. "You say there is gold aboard?" "Yes, gold!" he almost shouted at me. "Chests of gold coin, a dozen or more!

As soon as the emissary appeared Elias folded his ample umbrella, tucked it under his arm, gave Vaniman a friendly greeting, and winked at him. The twilight dimmed the seamed face and the young man wondered whether he had been mistaken about the sly suggestiveness of that wink. "Joseph, how doth Pharaoh rest on his throne? Doth he sit easy?"

This quarrel being hushed, Panurge tipped the wink upon Epistemon and Friar John, and taking them aside, Stand at some distance out of the way, said he, and take your share of the following scene of mirth. You shall have rare sport anon, if my cake be not dough, and my plot do but take. Then addressing himself to the drover, he took off to him a bumper of good lantern wine.

He gave us a wink as we went down the side, and I saw that he took the stroke oar, so that he would have an opportunity of speaking to us. The ship was some distance off the bank, for there was not sufficient depth of water to enable her to come nearer. It took us, therefore, nearly ten minutes to reach the spot.

"Let Christ answer you not me. `No man can come to Me, except the Father which hath sent Me draw him." "Ah! then man has no responsibility?" And Ambrose gave another wink at us. "Let Christ answer you again. `Ye will not come unto Me, that ye might have life. If they had come, you see, they might have had it." "But how do you reconcile the two?" said Ambrose, knitting his brows.

'The day hafter, went on Curly, 'if it be fine I may be a hawkin' horinges. I likes a change o' work, and another pal takes my crossin' when I'm elsewhere. Day follerin' I may be out o' town. 'In the country? I wish you'd take me. How do you go? 'I rides mostly, said the boy, with another wink. 'I ain't perticlar as to my wehicle! 'And when you get into the country what happens?