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"You were range boss after Harkness' death," persisted Masten. "Why didn't you discharge Chavis?" "I'm askin' the new boss for permission to do it now," declared Vickers. "It'll be a good wind-up for my stay here." "We shall keep Chavis for the present," said Ruth. "However," she added firmly, "he shall not be range boss. I do not like him." Vickers grinned silent applause.

Blessed be God, some of us are ready to meet him." These lachrymose utterances were the precursors of a long disquisition on his favorite topic the end of the world, the grand wind-up of the Lord's business. We were duly initiated into the mysteries of prophecy, a subject which, as South said, either finds a man cracked or leaves him so.

His teeth set for a moment as he thought of the interview. "This is a sort of wind-up day of my happiness," he muttered, as he took his place at the office table. "Well, I suppose no one could expect such pleasure as I have had these last three months to continue; but, whatever happens, Saidie and I will stick together."

The last of August come and the "Old Home House" was going to close up on the day after Labor Day. Peter was down again, and so was Ebenezer and Belle, and there was to be high jinks to celebrate the season's wind-up. There was to be a grand excursion and clambake at Setuckit Beach and all hands was going four catboats full.

Generally, however, in the pleasure-loving cities of Italy, a few hours' law are allowed or winked at. The revellers are not supposed to become aware that it is past midnight till about three or four in the morning. Very generally the wind-up of the season of fun and frolic consists of what is called a "Veglione," or "great making a night of it," which means a masked ball at the theatre.

And that is why I have bored your lordship by mentioning it to you." "At six o'clock, you say?" asked the Marchese. "Yes; that was the hour they fixed. Then he is to drive her to a farm-house on the border of the forest, leave the bagarino there, and go into the wood for a stroll. Not a bad idea for a wind-up of the Carnival, upon my word!"

"I don't know why you shouldn't: you know everything that happens. But I'll tell you. I had been fighting the thing over from start to finish and back again ever since you blessed me out a week ago last Monday, and at the wind-up this afternoon I took the papers out of the bank vault, having it in mind to go and give his Excellency a bad quarter of an hour." "But you didn't do it?"

"Not in the least absurd. You've been reading novels ever since you were born. You've the knack of the thing, the telling of a story, the developing of a plot, the final wind-up of the whole concern, right at your tongue's end." "Paul, you're an idiot." "Idiot, Jack? I'm nothing of the sort and I can prove what I've just been saying to you about yourself.

Go on, Bourdin; let us get out of this." "Mercy! mercy!" shrieked Louise. "Oh, what a row! here it is the old game over again: it is enough to make one sweat in the depth of winter on my honor!" said the bailiff, in a brutal tone. Then advancing toward Morel, he continued: "If you don't come along at once, I will take you by the collar, and bundle you down. This wind-up is beastly!"

Perhaps none of the climbers were averse to a breathing spell before the final round. It would put them in better condition for the wind-up, whatever that might prove to be. "Frank," whispered Bob, as he pulled at the trouser leg of his chum so as to induce him to bend down closer.