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Somehow, this eye the spying wind's eye haunted Pemrose that night, curled up in a previous suggestion of the Guardian's which, momentarily, had twisted itself, snake-like, around her heart. Suppose Ta-te should prove cruel to her, as to Jennie whom she had eventually spared!

Under a smiling sun an October breeze frolicked through leaves with tints of fire and gold, humming, while it swiftly skimmed over their beauties, as if it was reading a wind's poem of autumn. Katahdin looked as though it had suddenly taken on the white crown of age, with age's stately calm. The weather had grown colder during the night.

'Weight o' my fiddlestick! And the ground all strewed with short twigs! 'The wind's doing. 'When you know the weather has been flat calm for a week past! 'There's an extraordinary eddy just here, at the turn of the valley; I have often observed a puff of wind you might almost call it a gust spring up with no apparent reason.

But if you're left to yourself you'll make him all nougat." When I retort that if she were left to herself she'd eliminate the very things that make him the engaging animal he is, and remind her that a straw will show the way the wind's blowing, she asks me, "Did any big wind ever blow a straw before it all the way?"

I was out in the park, in the direction of the Beech Walk, and there I must have dropped it." "Better wait until to-morrow," suggested Edwards. "The wind's 'owling through the trees, and it's colder than the Harctic regions. Better wait." "I can not. The locket was a present, and I value it exceedingly. I thought of asking you to accompany me, but as it is so cold perhaps you had better not."

When the fall comes with its soft, cool air, an' smoky mornin's an' starry nights, when the wind's sad among the bare branches, an' the leaves drop down, remember they're fallin' on my grave." Twilight darkened into gloom; the red tinge in the west changed to opal light; through the trees over a dark ridge a rim of silver glinted and moved. The moon had risen; the hour was come.

I know old Miss Sabrina Smith warned me that I'd better think twice before I took up with Tom Kew, for he was a light-minded young man. I speak o' that to him in the winter-time, when he sets reading the almanac half asleep and I'm knitting, and the wind's a' howling and the waves coming ashore on those rocks as if they wished they could put out the light and blow down the lighthouse.

There's hard bottom in the north channel, and the twenty-fathom lead wouldn't reach it half a length from the rocks." The mate had nothing to say. "And the south channel lay due southeast from our moorings," continued the captain. "Wind's nor'west, I should say, right down from the hilltops; and I've known these blasted West India squalls to last three days, blowing straight and hard.

"Hurrah!" he exclaimed at last in an ecstasy of joy, when his faint hope became confirmed into a certainty; "the wind's shifting, and chopping round to the north in our favour!" "You don't say so?" said Captain Dinks equally excited, abandoning the provisioning of the boats and skipping up the poop-ladder like a young two-year-old; "why, yes, really! It's the best piece of news I ever heard!

The exceeding awkwardness of the passage consisted in the fact that, at the particular point referred to, the channel through the reef for a length of about sixteen hundred feet was only about three hundred feet wide, whilst its direction was dead in the wind's eye as it then blew. Hence it was quite impossible to work the ship through this narrow "gut" in the ordinary way.