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Maud Barrington made no answer, but she was sensible of a respect which appeared quite unwarranted for the dryly-spoken man, who, though she guessed her words stung him now and then, bore them without wincing. While she sat silent, shivering under her furs, darkness crept down.

He was afraid with a great fear such as he had never dreamed to know; who knew well the wincing of the flesh from risk of pain, the shuddering of the spirit in the shadow of death, and horror such as had gripped him that morning in poor Roddy's bed-chamber.

She hated the palaver Hermione made, she wanted to drink tea, she wanted anything but this fuss and business. At last they all mounted the grassy bank, to the picnic. Hermione poured out tea. She ignored now Ursula's presence. And Ursula, recovering from her ill-humour, turned to Gerald saying: 'Oh, I hated you so much the other day, Mr Crich, 'What for? said Gerald, wincing slightly away.

"By heaven!" cried Harry, wincing not with the blow, but the insult: and then making a dash at the mate, who, holding out his long arm, kept him lazily at bay, and laughed at him, till, had I not feared a broken head, I should infallibly have pitched my boy's bulk into the officer. "Captain Riga!" cried Harry.

"Since she's to die I'm to marry her?" It struck him even at the moment as fine in her that she met it with no wincing nor mincing. She might for the grace of silence, for favour to their conditions, have only answered him with her eyes. But her lips bravely moved. "To marry her." "So that when her death has taken place I shall in the natural course have money?"

Then the bed-frame cracked under the strain of Titans fighting cracked creaked and utter silence fell. It lasted several minutes. Then the door opened and Narcissus came striding out. "He was strong," he remarked. "Look at this." He bared his arm and showed where Commodus had gripped him; the lithe muscle looked as if it had been gripped in an iron vise. He chafed it, wincing with pain.

But she was Billy and being Billy, she advanced with a bright smile and held out a cordial hand not even wincing when the cut finger came under Calderwell's hearty clasp. "I'm glad to see you," she welcomed him. "You'll excuse my not appearing sooner, I'm sure, for didn't Bertram tell you? I'm playing Bridget to-night.

'Ay, the captain answered, 'if I was a mother I would pray to have my children born with this instead of that, and he cast a look of pride upon his iron hand and one of scorn upon the other. Then again he frowned. 'Peter flung my arm, he said, wincing, 'to a crocodile that happened to be passing by. 'I have often, said Smee, 'noticed your strange dread of crocodiles.

"True," replied the marquise, without wincing in the slightest degree at the tragic remembrance thus called up; "but bear in mind, if you please, that our respective parents underwent persecution and proscription from diametrically opposite principles; in proof of which I may remark, that while my family remained among the stanchest adherents of the exiled princes, your father lost no time in joining the new government; and that while the Citizen Noirtier was a Girondin, the Count Noirtier became a senator."

"Compliments?" echoed Little Jerry. "What's that?" "Why," said Hal, "that's when you say that her hair is like the sunrise, and her eyes are like twilight, or that she's a wild rose on a mountain-side." "Oh," said the Dago urchin, somewhat doubtfully. "Anyhow," he added, "she make nice custard!" The time came for Mary to take her departure, and Hal got up, wincing with pain, to escort her home.