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Burton" he paused, and Gerald looked up quickly: "Yes, Mr. Stephens?" "Well, to put it plainly, John Dampier was madly in love" the speaker thought his companion winced, and, rather sorry than glad at the success of his little ruse, he hurried on: "that being so he naturally wished to be married at once.

Oh, it's all very well to tell you about it, but there is a little something lacking in unshared pleasures. . . . Yes, a great deal lacking. . . . And here is our tea-tray at last." Nina came up to join them. Her brother winced as she smiled triumphantly at him, and the colour continued vivid in his face while she remained in the room.

At such close range, bringing his whip down, he could not help noting that Michael had kept his eyes open under the blow. Neither had he winced nor blinked as the whip slashed down on him. The thing was uncanny. It was something new in the way of dogs. Michael sprang again, the man timed him again with the whip, and he saw the uncanny thing repeated.

There was another pause, then Alfred drew in his breath and bore down upon Jimmy with fresh vehemence. "The only time I get even a semblance of truth out of Zoie," he cried, "is when I catch her red-handed." Again he pounded the table and again Jimmy winced.

Pitiful to relate the person who should have been most pleased and interested in this moral spectacle was bitterly dubious; Ringfield would not, at this stage, consent to believe in Crabbe's reformation, but winced and shied at reports of altered prospects.

So you thought I was a spy?" "Yes." "And what was you going to do with me?" "Make you a prisoner, and take you down to camp." "Well, you are a one!" said Samson, looking at his young master, and laughing. "Think of a whipper-snapper like you trying to capture a big chap like me." Fred winced angrily.

I noticed that one or two heathens winced slightly when the holy water was sprinkled on the coffin. The drops quickly evaporated, and the little round black spots they left were soon dusted over; but the spots showed, by contrast, the cheapness and shabbiness of the cloth with which the coffin was covered. It seemed black before; now it looked a dusky grey.

She winced as though he had stabbed her, and cried out: "Why do you harp continually upon your death? I will not listen to you! If I do not desire to be 'free, as you term it, what barrier is there between us now?" He said, amazed: "What barrier? Do you ask what barrier? Your love for that other man!" "There is no other man!"

He set down the glass, and busied himself once more with her wounded hand. "I shall not hurt you any further," he said, as involuntarily she winced. And he kept his word. The worst of his task was over. He only bathed and bandaged with a gentleness and dexterity at which she marvelled. At last he looked at her. "You are better?" he asked. She met his eyes for an instant.

"You think, then, that this poor kinsman will not need such an alliance in order to regain his estates?" "Yes; for I never yet knew a rogue whom I would not bet against, when he backed his own luck as a rogue against Justice and Providence." Randal winced, and felt as if an arrow had grazed his heart; but he soon recovered.